Chapter 17

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Exiting the chemistry class was like coming up for air after being underwater for too long.

The entire class, Will had been trying to get my attention. I had successfully ignored him the first few times, but toward the end, my resolve had began to waver. Fortunately enough, the bell rang just as I was about to answer him. So, as quick as road runner fleeing from Wiley Coyote, I bolted out of the classroom.

Who wouldn't? A guy who is my friend nearly kissed me and the only reason he didn't kiss me is because A) the bell for class interrupted our 'moment' and B) I dashed away like the Flash before he could stop me.

I couldn't look at him without imagining what it would have been like to kiss him, and that thought alone scared me.

I was making a beeline in the direction of the cafeteria when I heard his voice. "Hey, wait up." Will breathes casually, coming up and wrapping an arm around my waist-keeping me from running.

"Erm... Hey... Will..." I mumble, squirming uncomfortably under his hold.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He blurts out, making my head snap to look at him. His eyes stare at me intently, causing me to nearly drown in the intense deep blues of his eyes.

"I... Ah... I..." I mutter, mentally slapping myself for sounding so stupid.

Way to convince him that everything is alright.

"Princess, please be honest with me." He begs me.

Oh jeez, he could ask me anything in that tone I was would do it in a heartbeat.

"Ah... Well after the moment in the... hallway... I felt... Awkward..." I trail off, getting stuck once again under his gaze.

"Oh." Will mumbles, looking down at his feet as we come to a halt in the hallway, both of us facing each other.

"Yea..." I say, rocking on my heels as I hug my arms around myself.

"Well, you don't really need to worry about it. It was a mistake anyways." Will finally says, making me look up at him with scrunched eyebrows.

"Oh really?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"Yea, really." Will continues, oblivious to the change in my mood. "I mean, me and you? It just wouldn't work."

"And why would that be?" I ask him, clenching my hand into a fist to keep from hitting him.

"Well, you're you and I am me." He says matter-of-factly.

I open my mouth in astonishment before closing it and gritting my teeth together. "And why is 'me being me' such an issue?" I ask, clenching my jaw to keep from yelling at him.

"Well, let's look at our differences. You're unpopular, and I'm the school golden boy. I have perfect grades and can skate amazingly, while you would be failing without me and have this fantasy of winning a skating competition that you can't even go to anymore." He states, still looking anywhere but my eyes.


Tears prick the back of my eyes as he continues to ramble, ripping into my heart even more. "I mean, for me to be with you would probably take me down in social status a few notches, and you know what they say, birds of a feather flock together, so it would be illogical for me to go for someone not as important as me. And then also there is your background-"

"My background?" Ask him, my voice hoarse as the tears come even closer to spilling down my cheeks.

No, no he doesn't mean it. He doesn't think these things about you.

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