Chapter 3

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The universe hates me.

Curse the universe.

Life hates me.

Curse that too.

Everything hates me.

Curse all that chiz as well.


Fricken fracking firkle freakin fudge.

I stood in shock as the extremely attractive male in front of me smirked.

I dislike him. But I need good grades. I can't stand him. But I can't compete without better grades. And worst of all...

The terd bucket knew I needed good grades.

I don't know if I actually like Miss Rayley at this moment.

I quickly spun around and looked at Miss Rayley with pleading eyes.

"Please. Please tell me there is another student who could help." I beg her.

She looks at me with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, Tessa, but Will is the only student I know who can help get your grades up in the short time period you need..." She trails off, her eyes showing sympathy.

I sigh deeply.

Well isn't that just peachy.

"Okay." I say in a defeated tone. "Thanks for the help Miss R." I turn and walk out the door, aware of a certain bad boy following me down the hall.

"Are you as excited as I am, Princess?" Will taunts me, obviously referring to the fact that I felt like throwing myself into an erupting volcano so I could burn in a vat of molten lava.

Okay that may be a little over-dramatic.

Will continues when I don't respond. "'Cause, you know, I really looking forward to teaching you a few things." He says seductively to me, wiggling his eyebrows in the process.

I physically gag.

Maybe that death-by-volcano thing wasn't so bad after all.

He chuckles at my reaction and swings his arms over to rest on my shoulder.

I scowl at him and try to shrug it off. "Don't touch me." I snap at him, at which he smirks more and slips his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I gasp as his smirk grows larger than the freaking moon.

"I said don't touch me!" I exclaim, slapping his arm. After realizing he wouldn't budge, I give up and just sag my shoulders in defeat.

"Ah, Princess, don't sag your shoulders, it's unattractive. You know what Mommy says, slouching is for lazy girls. We don't want Mommy's disapproval now do we, Princess?" He coos, referring to the silent approval I got from Jill before I greeted him family.

Anger filled me.

How dare he! He has no fudging idea what I have gone through or go through. He has no idea that I have been malnourished a lot ever since my father died, or verbally and sometimes physically abused.

He had no fricken right.

I spin on my heel to directly face him. He raises and eyebrow, and out of nowhere, I raise my hand in the air and slap him. HARD. I send one last glare at his stunned face before turning and sprinting down the hallway. I stopped once I reached the other end of the school, which took a good few minutes. I didn't really care at that point if I was late for class or not.

That freaking terd bucket! Who does he think he is? He has no right whatsoever to make assumptions about my life. So what if I got Jill's approval? He would've too if she was the person standing between him and his next meal. He has no idea what it is like to live in a living hell.

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