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Cover credit to KZQuinn

Okay guys, I love this story so much, and it means so much to me. But I'm going to say what I have to say at the end, so PLEASE READ THE ENDING AUTHORS NOTE.

Thanks <3


"I swear to the love of crackers and cheese, William Thatcher, if you don't give it back now, I will beat you with your skateboard."

Will paused, looking at me with narrowed, calculating eyes. Most likely, he was trying to deduce whether or not I was serious. Of course, I would never actually beat someone--I've had my fair share of the short end of that stick. However, there was a small part of me that was totally willing to attack my boyfriend.

And that was why my agitated threat caused him to pause. Because the item that he had stolen would even resort a person like me to desperate measures. Will honestly should've known better--we've both seen what happens when I'm hungry.

I turn into a flipping lunatic when I'm hungry.

"You wouldn't really beat me with my skateboard--I'm too pretty for that," came the blue-eyed boy's response. I raised one condescending eyebrow at him in response to being called out.

Ah, so he wants to challenge me!?

I smirked a small bit before responding. "Bring it on, Prince Charming. You remember what happened last time you kept me from food, right?"

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