Chapter 2...

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By time I reached my apartment building I was beyond tired, annoyed, and hungry. Because the damn photo shoot went so long, I ended up getting caught in the tail end of the traffic coming out of the hockey arena. I forgot there was a game tonight, so I went right into the traffic leaving.

The traffic alone took me almost 45 minutes to get out of which just further worsened my mood. It was now nearing 8 o'clock at night and I was finally getting home when I really should have been home three hours ago.

With a sigh, I grabbed my things and locked my car behind me, entering the front doors. I could already feel my comfy couch calling my name, along with the leftovers in the fridge, and maybe the half pint of ice cream I didn't finish the other day. Just the thought alone made my stomach grumble.

Feeling my phone buzz I took it out as soon as the elevator doors opened. The score to the hockey game tonight flashed across my screen, making me wince. Damn another loss. Hitting the number 4 for my floor, I leaned back against the wall, shaking my head at my phone.

The sound of someone calling out made my head snap up. Just as I opened my mouth a hand slid in-between the elevator doors, stopping it from closing. The doors reopened as a body walked in. A baseball cap covered most of their face but it was clearly a guy. A tall guy. My eyes fell onto the large gym like bag hanging on his shoulder. For a brief second I caught a symbol on it but he moved making it disappear.

My gaze moved upwards, noting the long legs encased track pants. The fabric of his jacket practically glued to his arms. Very muscular arms, I may add.

Before he could catch me ogling him like a total idiot, I ducked my head, looking back at my phone. From under my lashes, I saw the guy move off to the other side of the elevator, keeping his head ducked down.

The silence in the elevator was a bit stifling but I was too awkward to be the one to make conversation first. Not with anyone let alone a guy.

As the elevator went up I shifted on my feet. I dared another glance at the guy curiosity getting the better of me. But just as I did I suddenly felt the elevator shift. I stumbled to the side, gripping the railing. With a loud groan the elevator came to an abrupt halt.

"What the fuck?"

The words left my mouth before I could stop them. My head snapped towards the strangers the same time he did, our eyes clashing. The corner of his mouth twitched while my face flushed bright red. That hadn't meant to come out.

"Are we stuck?" I asked, looking over at the buttons on the guys side. He reached over and pressed the number five button, but nothing happened. My grip tightened on the railing as he started pushing random buttons, but when he pushed the emergency button nothing happened. When he muttered something close to 'shit' under his breath I knew it was not a good sign.

"Oh god we are stuck." Panic squeezed at my chest. The idea of being trapped in a giant metal box freaked me out more and more by the second.

"Its okay the company has most likely been notified when we stopped. They'll send someone to come get us soon." The stranger spoke for the first time since he stepped inside. I nodded but I had a sinking feeling no one knew we were in here.

It wasn't because I was claustrophobic that I was freaking out. No it was the thought of being stuck in here for god knows how long. Maybe someone was already on their way but would it take an hour? Three? Ten? Would we be stuck in here for days? That thought alone scared the shit out of me.

Opening up my phone I went to see if I had reception to maybe call 9-1-1, but saw zero bars. Groaning, I laid my head back against the wall, clenching my useless phone in my hand. Feeling the guy's gaze on me I mumbled, "No service."

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