Chapter 43....

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"Josie don't read anymore." Tasha sounded so far away as she spoke next to me. All I could see were the pictures of Wyatt and I. My eyes darting to the picture of the stranger from earlier. His hands were gripping my waist and from the angle it looked like I was willingly grinding back against him.

When did someone take this? The fact that the article was suddenly out now meant someone had to have followed me here and taken the picture.

My phone continued to buzz with sudden tweets. I couldn't stop myself from clicking on one, taking me to twitter. It didn't matter that it was 11 at night, people were tweeting. The tweets ranged from people mad Wyatt was now taken, to them saying I was too ugly to be with him.

I couldn't seem to stop from reading one after another. Each one worse than the other. In just a matter of minutes my name and Wyatt's were trending. I was about to click on another tweet when my phone was snatched from my hand.

"Stop." Tasha gripped my phone in her hand. I looked at her not fully comprehending what was exactly happening. "Stay right here."

I just nodded as she quickly stood up and went over to Sydni and Lydia. I watched with a blank head as she spoke to them quickly before all three came over to me. Without another word I was pulled to my feet and gently lead towards the front door. Sydni and Lydia doing a good job at pushing past people with Tasha gripping me to her side tightly.

We pushed through the doors only for a flash to blind me. Seconds later the yelling began.

Are you dating Wyatt Boone?

Cheating on your boyfriend already?

How did you meet?

Who were you dancing with?

The questions pelted me along with the flashing of cameras. I completely froze, my eyes darting around.

"Move!" Lydia shouted grabbing my arm tightly. With the help of the girls we pushed through the crowd of reporters, somehow an uber already idling on the curb. I was shoved inside, pressed between my girls as they ordered the uber to drive. The sound of yelling was muffled by the windows but I could still hear the questions being hurled at me.

"It's okay. It's okay." Tasha chanted.

I glanced down at my hands seeing them shaking like leaves. I looked over at Tasha my breathing getting heavier. What the hell just happened?

I knew at some point word would get around about Wyatt and I together. He is a well known hockey player, people adored him, so it made sense people would be curious when he starts dating someone. But I hadn't realize just how fast they would find out. Or how fast people were to assume I'd cheat on Wyatt or use him for his fame. The fact that someone took a picture of me tonight without me knowing...oh god Wyatt.

"Where's my phone!" I had to talk to Wyatt before he saw the pictures. Had to tell him it wasn't what it looked like. Tasha looked at me with apprehension probably thinking I was going to look at the comments but she must have seen the desperate look on my face, for she finally handed my phone over.

Ignoring the pop up notifications I went straight for Wyatt's number. Just as I was about to hit call my phone rang. A picture of Wyatt I took a few weeks back flashed across my screen. I hesitated for a moment, silently hoping he didn't believe what people were saying.

"Wyatt." I breathed into the phone.

"Josie." The sound of his voice instantly brought tears to my eyes.

"Wyatt." My voice came out all shaky and soft as tears rolled down my face. "I-I didn't. I-"

"I know baby." He's seen the pictures. I felt myself crying harder, everything suddenly starting to hit me all at once.

"I-I promise I didn't. Wyatt I didn't."

"Baby I know you would never." Relief washed over me at his words but I kept crying. "I'm on my way okay? I'll be there as soon as I can." I heard him mumble 'fuck' under his breath followed by honking. "Let me talk to one of the girls."

I wordlessly passed the phone to Tasha. Sydni pulled me into her side as I silently cried, Lydia turning in the front to squeeze my knee.

I couldn't hear what Wyatt was saying to Tasha but she was replying back with 'yes'. She mumbled something back to him before passing me the phone again.

"I'll be there in a few hours okay baby? Go to the apartment with the girls and ignore your phone. Can you do that for me?"

I nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.


"I'm on my way baby. I'm on my way."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Here drink this." Lydia handed me a mug filled with warm tea. I wasn't a big tea drinker but the warm mug felt good in my hands. I managed to calm down a bit before we got the my apartment. Thankfully the apartment building wasn't swarmed with people and we were able to get inside easily.

"How are you feeling?" Sydni spoke softly as she rubbed my back. All three of them have been lifesavers tonight. Getting me out of the club and away from the reporters. And now taking care of me.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. I wasn't sure how I felt right now. Everything just happened at once and I was still trying to wrap my head around it.

I had known this would happen at some point. Knew people would find out and wanna know details about our relationship. I knew that. I wasn't an idiot in thinking no one would ever find out, hell I'm surprised we've managed to stay under the radar this long. It all just took me by surprise.

I hadn't expected reporters to be outside of the club. Hadn't expected an article to come out about us and already questioning my intentions. It was a sore spot for me because I didn't want Wyatt, his family, or anyone to think I was using him. Wyatt knew I wasn't but that insecure part of me once in awhile reared its ugly head.

I just needed to see Wyatt. Needed to hear that we were okay and that we would get through this together.

"The same thing happened when I started dating Bryton." Sydni said after a moment.

"They did?" Out of everyone Sydni was the one who would get this. I have a brief memory of hearing something about a Knight's player dating someone but at the time didn't care to know more.

"When word got out that Bryton was dating a girl of color some people didn't like it. Got spammed with hate comments and DM's." I reached out and squeezed her hand, my heart breaking at her words. I couldn't imagine how that was for her.

"There's still a lot of people who don't like a white guy dating a girl of color."

"That's so messed up." Lydia said shaking her head.

"But I got through it. With Bryton by my side nothing else mattered. You learn to ignore the hateful comments and messages you'll get. You ignore the articles that once in awhile come out." Her words helped ease the tight band around my chest. She's been here and she gets it.

"Eventually everyone will get bored of it and move on, so I promise it does get a bit better." Sydni sent me a kind smile. "Plus that man of your's won't let anyone come near you." I laughed as tears pricked my eyes again.

"Thank you." I looked at each of them. "Sorry for ruining girls night." I felt bad the night got cut short because of me.

"Don't be sorry." Tasha shook her head. "We had fun feet are killing me." She groaned kicking her heels off.

"Thank god. Mine started hurting hours ago." Lydia toed hers off as well. I laughed as all of us took our heels off, groaning. Dancing and heels don't mix.

"Thank you guys." I laid my head on Tasha's shoulders as we all scooted together on the couch.

"Thats what friends are for." 

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