Chapter 42....

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"But there's still three minutes left."

"Josie, they are up three points and the game is about to end. You won't miss much."

"But Wyatt-"

"You've already watched him play the whole time. Now its girls night so get your ass moving." Tasha enforced it by slapping me on the ass.


"I'll do it again." And I knew she would. Lydia stood off to the side watching us with a smirk, while Sydni looked a little concerned. Little did she know this wasn't anything new between us.

When intermission came, Tasha all but pulled me away from the tv to get me dressed and do my makeup and hair for me. And by dressed I mean put me in the tightest smallest dress I didn't even realize I owned. It didn't even matter it was gonna be slightly cold tonight we were all in dresses ready to party.

"Fine." With only two minutes left now they weren't going to play Wyatt anyways. Linking my arm with hers, Tasha led us all to the door.

"The uber is downstairs waiting for us. We all have our wrist bands, phones, money?" She listed off as we all nodded. "Remember we keep an eye on each other. If someone needs to use the bathroom we all go." Her tone left no room for argument.

I squeezed her hand tightly in mind. She squeezed it back without saying a word. There was a reason Tasha was so adamant about staying close to one another and I didn't blame her, but it was her story to tell not mine.

Locking the door behind us the four of us headed for the uber ready for a girls night.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Shake that ass!" Sydni screamed as Tasha practically twerked on her. I threw my head back laughing as my hips moved to the beat of the music.

The four shots of tequila I had a bit ago helping my relax and dance with my friends. I was sweaty from the dancing and all the bodies crowded on the dance floor. The club was packed but yet again it was a Saturday night.

While Tasha and Sydni danced together, Lydia and I grabbed hands. We kept a tight grip on each other as the crowd jostled us. But even with the jammed packed club I was having fun. It's been so long since I just let go and had fun with my friends. Being here right now dancing and having a blast was exactly what I needed.

"Shots!" Tasha yelled over to us. The other two agreed and tugged me after them. I would do one more shot but that was my limit. I didn't want to be drunk again tonight. Waking up this morning with a headache was bad enough.

"Last one for me!" I said over the music as we neared the bar.

"But Josie." Tasha whined.

"One of us needs to be sober." With all the dancing and sweating I'd be pretty sober by time the others want to leave, which most likely wouldn't be for another few hours.

The bartender slid four shots towards us, staring at Tasha for a split second, before walking away. If I thought my light blue dress was revealing it had nothing on Tasha's. 

All night I've seen all the girls getting second glances from men. On the dance floor men tracked their movements which was no surprise.

Lydia decided to go a little more 'classy' with a gorgeous red silk dress that hugged her curves. It showed a bit of cleavage and slit on the side but it suited her perfectly. 

Sydni went the all white look. The white silk was practically made for her. A high slit on the side showed her long legs and had men almost drooling when she walked back. Her dark skin matching the whole thing perfectly. I knew the only reason she wore it was because Bryton wasn't here shielding her body with his.  

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