Chapter 26....

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"Okay I'm gonna give birth to a small baby." I groaned holding my stomach. I ate way too much. Damn Rick showing up with dessert that I just couldn't say no too. My absolute weakness was dessert or anything sweet for that matter.

"Don't worry I have something that will help with that."

"A time machine to go back where I didn't devour a whole dessert?"

"Something better than that." The little sparkle in his eyes had me curious. Like the gentlemen that Wyatt is, he graciously opened the passenger door and closed it for me before walking around to the divers side. The act alone making my heart clench. Its not everyday a man will hold the door open for you or close it.

Something I've been quick to learn about Wyatt is he was unlike any other guy I have dated before. He was a gentlemen in almost every sense of the word. When we walked near any sort of street or car he moved himself to that side, so if anything were to happen he'd take the hit not me. He held the door open for me whether that was sliding into a car or in a building, a hand on my lower back.

The one big thing that meant more to me than he'd ever know was the fact that he listened and noticed. Whenever I was talking his full attention was on me, his eyes glued to my face as if he was taking in every single word leaving my mouth. I've never had someone, let alone a guy, listen to intently to whatever it is I'm saying. Even if most of it was stupid.

Add in the fact that he notices things. Wyatt pays enough attention to noticed the smallest of things or the slight shift in someone. Like a few nights ago when I suddenly got in my head about him thinking I was using him. He noticed that shift faster than my own self could. Once again I've never had someone doing that for me.

Because of just those little things about Wyatt, I found myself wanting more. More of him. More of everything that I felt right now just being around him. I wasn't sure I'd ever get my fill of him but I found that I didn't mind that one bit.

It wasn't until a few moments later that we pulled up to a familiar place that it clicked what Wyatt had planned. I found myself reaching over and grabbing his arm as he pulled us through the gate.

All I could do was stare straight ahead trying to wrap my head around that he brought us here. Of course here meant the hockey arena that I just saw him play in last night.

"No way." I mumbled as he parked in the same spot as usual. I was too busy thinking about what Wyatt had planned to notice him get out until my door opened. I didn't bother grabbing anything but my phone.

"I saw how much you enjoyed last night, so I thought why not let you get up close and personal." Wyatt explained as he tugged me through the door and into the same hallway from last night. "The first stop is the locker room for some skates."

Stepping into the teams locker room felt a bit weird. Not sure why but I was expecting to see half naked guys when we walked in but it was empty of course. It looked like any other locker room but the 'cubbies' each player had were a tad bit larger. No doubt to hold all the gear they have to wear.

Wyatt lead me over to one with the number 8 on top letting me know it was his. Hanging up was his jersey, the same one as the one hanging on the chair in my room. There were also a few pucks stacked at the top, a stick leaning in the back and finally at the bottom a pair of skates. It was all neat and organized.

"So what really goes on in here?" I asked as I slowly walked around, noting all the cubbies and what the others guys had in them. "Do you guys sit around and braid each others hair?"

"And talk about boys." Wyatt said in a high pitch voice.

"I think you've done that voice a few times." I teased.

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