Chapter 22....

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The rest of the night was a blast. I had so much fun sitting around, drinking, and joking with Wyatt and his friends. They were amazing and just fun to hang out with. Trevor was funny as hell and I knew there was never a dull moment with him around. I loved how sarcastic and dry Sydni's humor was. When she joked with Trevor it was so entertaining; neither taking any of their jokes to heart.

In a weird way I felt like I had been apart of their group for years not just a few hours. I honestly couldn't wait to hang out with them again.

"Thanks for letting me tag along." I said once we made our way to the parking lot.

It was nearing 11 o'clock and while Wyatt was trying to hide it I knew he was exhausted. Playing such a grueling sport I'm surprised the three of them were still up right now. If I was them I'd have been in bed a long time ago.

"Of course! I am now going to force you to come to every game with me." Sydni said a bit loudly as she held onto Bryton's arm. She was feeling pretty good right about now. "Finally a girl who isn't a bitch. I want to keep you. Can we keep her?" She added, looking up at her boyfriend with a pouty look.

I held back a laugh watching as Bryton looked unsure of what to say.

"Uh sure?"

"Yay!" She detached herself from him and flew right into me. I would have fell if it wasn't for the sturdy weight of Wyatt at my back. Sydni wrapped her arms around me in a tight bear hug, my own wrapping around her to keep her upright. "You are now stuck with me."

"Okay babe I think you can let her go now." Bryton came froward and started to tug her off of me. He sent me an apologetic look over her shoulder to which I smiled at.

"Text me tomorrow bestie." Sydni planted a kiss to my cheek and let me go, letting Bryton re-wrap his arms around her waist.

"I will." I said with a grin.

"Bye guys." Bryton nodded at Wyatt and Trevor. "Good to see you again Josie."

"You too." I watched as he gently lead a pretty drunk Sydni to the car.

"Got to love a drunk Sydni." Trevor said with a laugh. "That's my cue to go too." I moved a bit to the side as him and Wyatt did that bro handshake thing guys always seemed to know.

"It was nice getting to know you a bit Josie." Surprising me Trevor bent down to give me a hug. His frame so big I only came to his chest. He was even bigger than Wyatt making me feel even smaller.

"You too."

"Sorry about Sydni." Wyatt said as we walked towards his car.

"Don't be, I like her. She reminds me of one of my best friends actually."


"Yeah my friend Tasha. She's really outgoing and kinda crazy at times. She was always getting us in trouble in college with her dumb ideas. I think her and Sydni would get along great." Although getting Sydni and Tasha together may result in some bad decisions.

"Sometimes Syd can come off a bit strong but she means well."

"Thank you for asking to her to come to the game tonight."

"I didn't...that was Bryton." I could tell he was trying to play it off. I had a feeling Wyatt had a hand in bringing Sydni to the game tonight so I wouldn't have to sit there alone.

"Thank you." He didn't have to admit it but I was thankful none the less.

"So uh how did you like the game tonight?" Wyatt asked, changing the subject.

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