Chapter 28....

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I stared at my computer screen not really seeing what was in front of me, my mind still thinking back to my date with Wyatt the other day. Being around Wyatt was indescribable. Just being around him made me alive. Unlike any guy I have ever been with.

The guys before were....well they weren't good guys at all. I always found myself changing for them. Morphing myself to fit into their lives, their idea of what a girlfriend should be like. I was always the one changing and not being myself.

With Wyatt it wasn't like that. From the moment we met I've never felt like I had to pretend to be someone else. I didn't want to try and be like someone who I thought he'd like. He's never once made me feel like I should.

I thought back to when Wyatt dropped me off. We had spent another hour or so at the rink just skating around, playing a little one on one, and kissing. It was like we opened a gate where neither of us could get enough of each other.

When we got back to my apartment I almost invited him in. Every part of me aching. When I went to ask him if he wanted to he was the most perfect gentlemen and declined. His exact words were-"There is nothing more I want than to go inside and do more than kiss you, but I want to take this slow and I want it to be special."

The rejection didn't hurt not when his face held a promise to do that and more. And not when I felt just how much he wanted to do the things his eyes promised.

Shaking my head I shoved the dirty thoughts that have filled my mind the last two days to the back of my mind. I was at work for crying out loud. Of course that did nothing to help my mind from wandering back to Wyatt.

I glanced at the clock, my nerves skyrocketing seeing I had an hour before I had to leave. On Sunday Wyatt called me and asked if I wanted to come with him to his brothers football game on Monday. He said his family would also be there and wanted to meet me.

I had immediately said yes to going until it sunk in that he had told his family about me and that I was going to have to meet them. We have only known each other for two weeks and now I was going to meet his family. Meet his mom. That thought alone made me nervous as hell. I wanted his family to like me.

I've actually never met a guys parents before. My past boyfriends we never got that far or they never tried to introduce me. So I was more than freaking out. I know how much family means to Wyatt, so the fact he was already introducing me had to mean something...right?

"You're going to burn a hole in the carpet by tapping so much." Lydia remarked as she stepped into my office. At her comment my foot immediately stopped bouncing, not even realizing I was doing so.

"Don't be nervous its just his family."

"You're not the one meeting them."

"Josie you are amazing and they'll see that. Plus its just a football game so it won't be as awkward."

"I hope so." I worried my bottom lip between my teeth.

"A good tip with his mom is go on about how great her son is. How much of a gentlemen he is. Mom's like to hear that they raised their sons right."

"Okay I can do that." It wont be hard to rave about Wyatt seeing that he was in fact amazing.

"You'll be fine Josie." I smiled at her words but they did little to calm my nerves. "Oh before you leave, did you talk to the owner of that food truck we went to the other day?"

Last week when I brought Lydia to Rick's food truck she fell in love like I did. It was even her idea to ask him if he wanted to be featured in the magazine. She wanted me to do a full piece on him and the truck before our next issue.

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