Chapter 34....

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"Josie is coming to the game tomorrow right?" Trevor asked as we skated around the rink, Bryton beside us.

"I think so." I wanted her there to watch me play. Just knowing she was in the stands cheering me on made me excited play. Something I hadn't realize I was lacking this past season. I wanted to look over and see her there in my jersey knowing she was mine.

"I like her." Bryton commented. "She's good for you."

"I second that." Trevor butted in.

"What do you mean?"

"She's different than the other girls you've been with." Bryton started to say when Trevor interrupted him.

"Yeah she doesn't have a stick up her ass." Bryton sent him a look. "What its true. The moment you meet Josie you can tell she's a good person and not using you for your name."

"Could have said it a bit nicer Trev."

"Oh come on like you liked the last few girls either. They were all bimbos who only wanted to be seen with Wyatt out in public. And they were the biggest bitches."

They were right about that. Any past girls I've been with have only been in it for the fame, the money, the publicity. Bryton and Trevor never approved of the girls which should have been clear signs from the beginning.

"What we are trying to say is we like Josie. Try not to fuck it up yeah?" Bryton shoved my shoulder with a smirk. "Plus Sydni likes her." We all knew that was rare which really meant something.

"Have you asked her to be your girl yet?" Trevor snapped a puck at me which I easily caught and sent to Bryton.

"I was going to tonight." I already had it planned too. I'll pick her up from work and take her out to eat somewhere nice and ask her if she'd be mine. It was so unlike me to do anything like that but for Josie I wanted to. I wanted to make sure she was all mine. Especially after last night.

The image of a naked Josie spread out on my bed flashed through my mind. I had to hold back a groan, already getting hard at the image. She had absolutely no clue how sexy she was. And don't even get me started on the sounds that came out of that mouth. A mouth that was surprisingly just as filthy as mine.

"Good and have her come to the game tomorrow. She's our good luck charm."

"Have her bring a hot friend too." Trevor smirked.

"For you to sleep with her and never call her and then make it awkward?" I held back a snort at Bryton's words knowing they were true. Out of the three of us Trevor was the biggest fuck boy. I had my moments as did Bryton before he met Sydni. But unlike us two Trevor hasn't grown out of it yet.

He wasn't an asshole fuck boy like most and did respect women, but he only slept with a girl for one night before going onto the next one. He's never had a serious relationship and I wasn't sure if he would anytime soon.

"I'm pretty sure Josie won't let you anywhere near her friends." I added.

"Why not? I'm amazing."

"Amazingly stupid." Bryton muttered which Trevor heard and sent the puck hard towards him. I shook my head at the two of them before Coach yelled my name across the ice.

Leaving the two to bicker I skated across the ice, passing everyone doing drills.

"What's up Coach?"

"You played good the other day." His eyes narrowed at me. He still had a hard look on his face but less of a scowl then the other day when he brought me to the side to talk. Hopefully this time the conversation would be less of a lecture.

"If you keep it up we may be able to make the playoffs." He said gruffly, hitting my shoulder and walking off. In other words don't fuck up. We've always made the playoffs since I joined the team. I had no plans of breaking our streak.

I had looked at our stats the other day to see how we were doing and if we wanted to make the playoffs we'd need to win almost all of the next upcoming games. We had a bit of wiggle room to lose a few but it would be a close call. But I wasn't about to let my team down. And to be honest my knee has felt the best it has in a long time.

Practice flew by leaving me a sweaty panting mess. Some would think Coach would go a bit easier on us since we just won but its the exact opposite. Because we won he went even harder, making us run twice as many drills.

I wasn't the only one who was winded. There were a few guys that looked ready to hurl as they leaned against the walls. Playing hockey was not for the weak. Some people think skating around an ice rink with a stick would be easy but its not. Just this weekend Josie learned that.

While everyone was cooling down I skated around and talked to everyone on the team. Complimenting what they did right and giving some advice on what they did wrong. As Captain I liked to make sure everyone was doing okay and knew they were apart of the team.

When I was named Captain, one of the youngest to do so, a few guys on the team hated that. Felt they were more experienced and deserved the spot, not some dumb kid. I had issues with some of the team, trying to prove that I was good enough to be here and good enough for the role of Captain. Despite some of them not liking me, I kept at it. Kept calling team meetings, learning everything I could about my team. Everything from their weak spots while playing, to how their life was like outside of here.

Slowly it worked. Day after day, game after game, we got better and closer. We became a well oiled machine. So much so that we all knew who would be where during a game and so forth. Until eventually I was accepted as Captain. Having an entire team put trust in you is a huge deal, and one I didn't take lightly.

I could tell the team was still a bit high off of our win the other day, not that I blame them. The high you get when you win can linger for days and knowing we have another game tomorrow everyone was geared up and ready for it. None of us were ready to lose yet again.

While the rest of the team made their way towards the locker room I slowly skated around. My favorite thing was skating when everyone else was gone. Only me and the ice. My skates cutting over the ice, the sound almost mesmerizing.

As I skated around, I pictured Josie and I here the other day. Watching her try to skate and falling. The cute look on her face when she finally got the hang of it. I found myself smiling at the imagine. It may be too soon to feel this way about someone but I was already hooked on Josie. Everything about her seemed to mold perfectly with me. And she fit perfect with my family.

I wanted her to be mine. I wanted her sitting front row at a game wearing my jersey knowing I was going home with her. It was a tad bit scary how bad I wanted that when I've never really imagined myself with someone like I do Josie.

I just hoped she said yes.

I just hoped she said yes

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