Chapter 17....

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The sound of my fists hitting the punching bag did little to ease the anger inside of me. The need to hit something came from two nights ago and still hadn't disappeared. Yesterday I ran 10 miles but that still didn't touch it. So this morning I decided going to the gym to at least hit a bag would be better than nothing.

Of course the anger was from my conversation two nights ago with Josie. Hearing about her past relationships, especially one, almost sent me into blinding white hot anger. One leaving her because she was hurt and blaming it on her, then another basically treating her like she was incompetent. Those two I couldn't stand even though I've never met them but they weren't the ones causing this deep hatred.

No it wasn't them. It was the fucker who dared laid a hand on Josie. Who thought it was okay to hit a woman. It was clear Josie wasn't telling me the whole story but what I heard had me clenching the steering wheel so tight so I wouldn't hit it scaring her further.

I can still hear her voice go soft and scared as she spoke. The way her hands gripped her thighs so hard her knuckles were white. She wouldn't even look at me as she spoke, like she was lost in those memories.

It literally felt like someone had taken a sledge hammer to my stomach when she said what she did. I knew the moment she said his anger only came out behind closed doors that things were not okay. The way she practically caved in on herself while telling me. It instantly made me regret asking her to tell me.

I wanted to know who the fucker was. Wanted to hear his name so I could do to him exactly what he did to Josie. I didn't know the whole story but I had a feeling this went on longer than anyone knew. That thought alone made me sick to my stomach. The fact that a man would ever lay a finger on a women, let alone Josie.

Josie who was hands down the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful woman I have probably ever laid eyes on. The way her eyes lit up when she was talking and teasing me. Her laugh that was a bit loud but freaking adorable. I didn't miss the way she held back or covered her mouth when she laughed. No doubt something her disgusting ex told her making her hold back.

It had taken everything I had no to demand more from Josie. But when I heard that quiet voice tell she didn't want to talk about it I knew not to push it. I would never make her talk about something she didn't want to, especially something as painful as that.

But aside from the anger I was ecstatic. Josie agreed to come to the game Friday. The thought of having her in the stands watching me play sent waves of nerves through me as well as excitement.

When she started to leave the idea popped into my head seconds before I asked her. The thought of her turning me down didn't even enter my mind because all I could think about was seeing her again.

I wanted to ask if she was free the next day but I knew she had work and a life. That she couldn't drop everything to just to do something with me. So I would wait impatiently, very impatiently, to see her Friday.

When my mom called me this morning to come over for dinner I immediately said yes. Just so I wouldn't do something stupid like showing up to Josie apartment unannounced. Hell I had to stop myself from texting her.

Wiping the sweat from my face I stepped back from the bag, arms like jelly. My anger subsided enough where I could think without the image of Josie black and blue in front of me. Hearing my phone buzz next to me in my bag, I unwrapped my hands before picking it up. My lips stretched into a grin at the text.

From: Josie

Is it too soon to go back to Rick's?

She sent followed by the drooling emoji.

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