chapter 1 (Remastered)

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{Reader's Note}

{To any new or returning readers for the best experience reading this book i'd advise that you only read the chapters titled "Remastered" I'm working on redoing chapters as fast as I can }

{Thank You}

"Ugh," I groaned.

This job was extremely tiring, "Stop your groaning and finish the job", a voice said over my earpiece, "Are you gonna take the shot or are you gonna keep whining?" The earpiece barked.         "I'll do it, ok just stop your bitching", I said.
I looked through my scope "Eyes on the target. Preparing to fire." The voice over the earpiece then got louder. "Hurry and take the shot my sound sonar is picking up footsteps nearby."

"Firing," I said, but before I could pull the trigger I felt a cloth brush across my face. There was only a split second to do something, I tried to fight back, but whoever this was they knew this was coming and prepared for it. Soon I began to feel dizzy and everything around me started spinning. But before I could ultimately lose consciousness, I mustered the energy to utter the words, "compromised." After that everything grew dark and eventually, I fell unconscious.

My eyes rushed open and I took a gasp for air, I was drenched and in a very brightly lit room.

 I looked around and realized I was strapped to a table.
      I looked around the room trying to find out where the hell I was and how I could get out of there. But, when I looked to my left I noticed a tall man hovering over me. "Like what you see?" He asked me, "Where am I?" I asked. "Well, you ma'am don't like to answer questions." "What do you mean ma'am?" I asked. See, when I go out on missions, especially ones like this, I wear a binder to hide my chest so that if I am captured, they don't think to... Violate my body.

 He then pointed down at my body, I looked down I was in nothing but a bra and some shorts. "Let's not bullshit each other, I know what you are. But what I want to know is why you're trying to assassinate the president?" He asked.

"I don't have to tell you shit," I responded. He looked at me from head to toe "I don't think you realize the situation you're in right now, I'll ask again. What is your name and what is your purpose for trying to assassinate the president?"
"My name is Jane Atlas, and my purpose I won't tell you. Besides he's only a candidate, it's not that serious" "Well, nice to meet you, Jane, my name is Jayson Moore Miller, the bodyguard." "Yeah yeah, spare me your fucking backstory and just kill me." I barked

"Do you know why I haven't killed you yet?" He asked

I looked him up and down, "No." I said with a tinge of sass.

"Because you're hot as shit." he looked at me with a shocked face, "I am now?" I began to think to myself, maybe i can use this to my advantage.
      He laughed and began to untie my hands and feet. I got up and ran to the other side of the room with my hands on my face blushing, faking obviously.

"All right, All right, enough playing. I'm not that stupid, now we can either do this the easy way or the hard way." He informed. Little does he know I'm ready for a fight. Except I'm not, My body was still exhausted from whatever sleeping agent he used on me, and that cocky smirk on his face told me that he knew that. 

I looked around the room for an out.
    There were two options, a door that looks like it either locks from the outside or he has a remote key for it, or a window that I could maybe fit through. But who knows what's behind that window? "You can look all you want but there's no way you're getting out of here." He discouraged while slowly inching towards me. Quickly, after I assessed the situation, I looked around the room.

On a table on the other side of the room, my clothes and all the tech and weapons I brought with me were laid out. I brought my focus back to Jayson, who was closer than before. Without thinking about it I ran towards him, he looked confused as to why I would run right towards him, but he quickly focused on what was happening. My main goal was to get myself off of this wall.

When i got as close as I could to him before he could grab me i turned my body to the right to give the impression that I was going that way. Luckily for me, he fell for it.
         He turned his body to the right as well, but when he did I tucked my body in and went for a roll, knocking him off of his feet, and quickly getting up before he could realize what happened. As I got back up I ran towards the table with my things on them. I immediately grabbed the Glock 43 that I always hid in my waist.

I picked it and the magazine beside it and clipped it into place before turning it to Jayson, who to my surprise, was closer than I thought.

"You know, I'm gonna be honest. That caught me off guard I've never had anything like that happen to me before. But you've gotta be quicker than that." He mocked. "Funny, but I'm still the one with the gun," I said.  This went exactly as I'd hoped it would.
     "Turn around," I demanded.

Jayson hesitated, but let out a sigh and then turned around. I had established dominance. "Walk," I ordered. I grabbed some handcuffs that I also carried on my waistband and walked him to the table I was previously strapped to before cuffing his hand to the table. When he was finally restrained I released a sigh and backed away from him.

I didn't waste another breath, I quickly turned around and began putting my clothes back on, which consisted of, an all-black zip-up biker suit, black combat boots, and a utility belt. Then my heart dropped, and the earpiece that I had was smashed on the table. 

"Who are  you really?" I jumped, before turning around. "excuse  me?" I said. He stood there, leaning against the table, completely unphased, which raised suspicion, and the hairs on the back of my neck. "Who are you?" He asked again.

I turned back to the table and finished putting all my gear back onto my belt.

When I finished walked over to the window and looked out, we were somewhere not very secluded and only on the third floor, which meant getting out was going to be easy. I turned back, "Like I told you, my name is Jane Atlas." I said before jumping out of the window.
    Before I could hit the ground I tucked my body so that once the tip of my foot hit the ground I could roll my body minimizing the impact. I looked back at the window that i jumped from, goosebumps rose all over my body.

Jayson was standing there, watching me. 

I looked around and ran toward the first fence I could find, It was fairly tall, but I managed to get over it. When i dropped down, I looked around, I was on a private property. I pulled a mask that's built into the suit down and booked it towards the entrance, which, was surprisingly easy. And before i knew it, I was out.

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