Chapter 4 (Remastered)

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When I arrived at my agency, I parked my bike in the underground parking lot and took the elevator to the 3rd floor to clock in. I had to walk through a few security offices before I got to my section of the office. Melinda, our office's manager, sits at the entrance of our office. She typically assigns jobs and manages all overhead tasks.
"Hey Mel, got anything for me today?" I asked nervously as I walked by. The excited expression on her face told me all I needed to know.

"I do." She said as she handed me a box that was different from the ones I normally received.

"What's this?" I asked her.

"I don't know, but it's a big task from the higher-ups." She informed. I thanked her, took the box to my office, and looked inside. The following things were inside:

•A long yellow ball gown and masquerade mask
• a stealth suit (all black clothes: tights long-sleeved turtleneck, boots, and a mask),
• A handyman outfit
• 2 fake IDs
•a silenced pistol
•12 sticks of C4
•9 smoke bombs

I looked at all the items laid out on my desk and thought to myself. I was still a bit shaken from what happened the day prior but, this was something I had to do.

I gather my things and walk out of my office wearing my binder under a fake handyman outfit that was provided, holding my bag with the rest of my supplies.
"Hey Mel, where is this one?" I asked quietly. she looked at me suspiciously, "Oh my I forgot to give you the note!" She said before handing me a yellow envelope with a black wax stamp seal.

Dear A.K.A.S,

Your target is the leader of the White Blood's brother Luke Cohen and the vice president of the gang. The event will be held at town hall, the Mayor is rumored to be attending as well due to secret relations, so security will be tight, but I trust that you'll send the best of the best.


I didn't know how to feel as I read the last part, "best of the best," I said to myself. Melinda looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "shit I said that aloud again right?" She nodded as half the office looked at me. "I'll get going now," I said as I made my way to the exit.

I hopped into the elevator from before but only this time I went to the upstairs parking garage as that's where my vehicle for this job was located.
I clicked the alarm for the car and spotted a black Mercedes.

Suddenly I felt a bit more excited.
I got into the Mercedes and put up all the things I needed for the job

I drove down to the town hall and parked my car nearby, but out of sight. Before I left the office, I folded the dress as thinly as I could and stuffed it into a duffel bag with the smoke bombs and gun underneath it. On top of the dress I placed a sectioner, so that i could put the handyman tools on top, in case they check my bag.

Once i made sure I had everything together I took my bag and ID and walked straight through the front door, past three layers of security.
"That was easier than I thought." I whispered under my breath.

I walked into the male restrooms and climbed into the ceiling, which was tall enough for me to stand up almost straight.
I found a stable spot and changed into my ball gown, to which I strapped my silenced pistol and bombs into my dress, they were made from a special material so they wouldn't get picked up by any kind of metal detector.

When I finished, I climbed down into a different bathroom, specifically the female one so I didn't look conspicuous. Before leaving I placed some c4 in the ceiling where I was to leave no evidence my being there, and to cause a distraction. When I left the restrooms and entered the crowd, a man with a silver platter with glasses of champagne walked by. I grabbed one and took a sip before I scoped out the room.

While in the crowd I noticed a smell, a familiar one, but I didn't pay attention to it. I was too focused on the task at hand.

After entering the ballroom I slipped on a mask. I wasn't the only one which helped me stand out less.

I looked around and spotted him.
"Luke Cohen," I said to myself

I walked past a few tables and dropped a smoke bomb under them.
I made it to the other side and did the same thing. Some people started to notice the smoke when it started to thicken. I walked around and looked confused to match the energy of the room.

I took out my pistol and made my way to the mayor. I pressed the muzzle of my gun to the back of his head. "Please don't kill me- I'll give you money," He pleaded. I reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Fiftey bucks, thanks." I said as i tucked it into my binder in an unenthusiastic voice before pullingthe trigger.

See the thing you need to understand about guns, is that even though they might have what called a "silencer" it doesn't completely silence the gun. It just makes it sound a bit quieter, more like a fire cracker than a bullet being fired.

He collapsed, and the crowd erupted into panic, but I had my eyes on the prize.
I looked up and made my way to Chris Humberger. The smoke was as thick as it could get at this point. By the time i made my way to him, the sound of speaking over a microphone caught my attention. "ALL GUESTS PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO ANY NEAR EXIT THIS IS NOT A DRILL!"

I looked back at Chris who was now looking at me with the gun in my hand.

An erie smile grew across his face, I looked closer and he also had a gun in his hand. "So you saw me coming huh?" I asked rhetorically. He spit in my direction. "I don't do small talk." he said as he lunged in my direction. I dodged to the side and aimed my gun at him and fired two shots.

They both missed. I looked around to try and find where he ran off to.

He was gone.

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