Chapter 9 (Remastered)

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Jayson held onto my hand, halting my movement.

I turned back to him hiding the keys in my former hand. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Why do you need the car keys?" He asked. I tried to tug my hand away but he wouldn't budge. "Because it's my car." I said slyly. Jayson stood up and towered over me. 
     "Give me the keys Jane." He demanded. 

There it is.

The voice that made me feel different.

The voice that could make me bend over backwards. 

I couldn't look him in the eyes, so I turned away and shook my head. "I won't ask you again, Give me the keys Jane." I pulled my arm and shook my head again. Jayson pulled my arm toward him and grabbed my other hand. "I don't know why you're making this more difficult than iy needs to be." He leered. I tried to pull my body away but he wouldn't let me.

I tried to kick his foot and then I kicked his legs. "You can keep flailing your body but it won't get you anywhere. God knows how you became an agent." He mocked. I stopped and remembered. 

I'm an agent What the hell am I doing?

I did a short jump and kicked his legs back while pulling his arms over my head. Jayson flew over me and rolled onto his back. I quickly got to my feet, keys in hand, and ran to the door. He ran and pinned me against the door. We tussled for a bit before he gave in and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I kneed him in the chest and elbowed his back, but he didn't flinch. 

The next thing I knew he threw me onto the bed. 

I turned onto my back and faced him. "WHY can't you just sit STILL!" He yelled before snatching the keys from my hand, "Give me my FUCKING KEYS!" I yelled back while kicking at his chest. With the keys in one hand, he grabbed my legs with the other, pulled me towards him, and leaned in. "You need to calm the FUCK down," He exclaimed.

 We finally locked eyes I stopped my movement, we were both breathing heavily. 

Then we both realized at the same time. Jayson let go of my legs, backed away from me and I pulled my legs toward myself. 

There was nothing but silence, but I had to be gone. "Give me my keys," I demanded. Jayson didn't hesitate and threw the keys beside me onto the bed. "Just be back at my agency by 10," He said turning away from me. I grabbed the keys, kept my face away from him, and left the room without another word. 

I passed by Alana again who looked slightly concerned but I just walked past and left the house. I didn't even bother to change my clothes or anything 


I walked into the office and walked past Melinda, "Mel do a background check on someone named Jayson Moore Miller?" I asked. "Okay," She said unenthusiastically. She didn't seem as cheery as she normally did. I made my way to my office sat behind my desk and started clacking away at my computer. I opened my email and saw hundreds of unread emails. Skimming through them, most of them were jobs and some of them were from Mike and a handful from Melinda.

But one caught my attention.

The email was titled, [Important] But the thing that really caught my attention was the sender. "Central Intelligence?" I said to myself. 

I released a sigh and placed my head down on my desk. "Where the fuck have you been?" I quickly picked my head up. Mike was standing on the other end of my desk. "Exactly like I told you," I said. Mike slammed his hands on my desk, "Jane, you completely went dark for almost 24 hours. Do you know how much begging I had to do for you, and you tell me that you're at HIS house!?" He yelled.

I rubbed my face. "It's not what you think," I said trying to explain myself. "So then what the hell is it?" He asked. "Look, it has something to do with another agency, that's all I can tell you," I explained. Mike sighed and walked towards the door. "Look Jane you're my best friend okay so you know how much I love you, but you need to be careful with whatever the fuck it is you got yourself into." 

Mike turned back and left my office.

I sighed and went back into my computer and opened the email.

[To Agent Jane Atlas,

                     You're being called upon to stay in the office until 9:30 for an important meeting at a
location that will be disclosed at a later time to discuss some recent activity of yours.

Sincerely, Your Boss

I closed out of the email and looked over at the second monitor when the sound of a notification brought my attention back to the primary monitor. It was an email from Melinda, she sent me a file with information on Jayson. I clicked on the hyperlink which took me to a secure browser.

The first thing that popped up was a picture of him, though it was an older one probably four or more years old. "Age 26, University level education, private special training," I listed. His personnel file looked pretty average, but there were other files attached to the email. Some of which were blocked and needed higher clearance to access. 

Soon Melinda walked into my office with a folder, "I was able to print some of the files that were restricted." She said as she placed them down on my desk. "Thank you," I said. Melinda turned and walked towards the door but hesitated and stopped, turning back towards me.
     "We were all worried about you Jane, and you're there off with some guy." She accused. I pulled the file towards myself. 

"Why does everyone think that I was off living my best life? You want to know what happened Mel? I got caught by someone from another agency, and they offered me some strange offer that seemed way too good to be true. And now one of there agents is keeping me captive in his house." I went on. 
      "Melinda, this guy is watching me at all times. He knows where I live, he probably knows my day-to-day activities."

"Does he know where you work?" She asked, I shook my head. "No.. not yet." I said. "Is it that guy you asked me to back check?" I nodded my head. "Just be careful around that guy Jane, I saw some things in his file that were pretty weird." She advised before leaving my office. That piqued my interest, so I opened the folder.
    I looked through the papers, there was an even older picture than the one from before, Jayson was in an army uniform. 

"Master sergent huh?" I noted. "Dishonerly discharge," I said reading down the file. "Given Purple Heart, 2018. Dishonorably discharged in 2019 and subjected to imprisonment?" I questioned. What the hell happened there? "Discharged for multiple counts of [Redacted], accounts unavailable." Most of the rest of the files were restricted. 

What the hell has he done?

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