Chapter 14 (Remastered)

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"Hello?" Jayson called out.

He turned towards me before he took a breath, "Yes she's here," he said hesitantly. "How do you know that?" He asked, there was silence for a moment, and then he turned back to me. "Jane, somebody wants to speak to you," he said as he held out his phone. I stood up and approached, accepting the phone from him.

"Hello?" I called out.
A familiar voice answered, though, I couldn't put my finger on who it could be. "It sounds like you don't remember me, I'm kind of hurt," he whined. "Who is this." I asked.

See, like mine, mine and Jayson's agencies all have members, and each members have an office whether it be shared or private.
And each member also has their own phone with its own number, and each number is protected and needs a specific code to get through, or you'd need to go through.. the front desk manager, who takes calls all day.

I facepalmed at the thought of Kristen giving someone access to call me.
But that didn't answer my question, how did he know where to find me? But then a light bulb went off.

"Sinclair?" I called out, "So you do remember, that gives me hope," he said. "I hope that you'll leave me alone," I gagged. "What's wrong I'm just trying to check on you," he whined. Sinclair is someone from a past relationship that I want to leave behind me. "Well, you called and I'm alive," I rushed. "But you were in a coma, how can you be okay?" he asked. Goosebumps rose all over my skin.
That information was made inaccessible.
"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"I was there."

The call disconnected, and my heart sank. "What's wrong?" Jayson asked. "He's...."
Jayson raised an eyebrow and waited for an answer. "I have to go," I said as I put the phone down, and walked out of the room. Jayson quickly rose from his chair, "Where are you going?" he asked. Suddenly my phone in my pocket rang, I stopped and answered it, it was from my mother.

"Hello?" I called out. She let out a sigh, "Thank God you're okay, you'll never believe who just called me," she started. "No yeah, Sinclair called me too," I responded. "You need to come to my house now so we can figure out what we're gonna do," She advised. "Okay." I hung up and turned back to see Jayson, standing in the doorway, waiting for me. "I'm going to my mom's house and I need a ride," I said.

Jayson turned back into his office and turned off all of the lights before grabbing his keys off of his desk and following me, "I'll take you," he said. I stared at his face and got lost in his features, something in him changed. He didn't treat me like this before, "It seems serious, shouldn't we go?" He asked. I snapped out of my daze and spun around, "Y-yeah let's go!" I exclaimed.

"But, I'm gonna need a gun, and mine is at your house," I added. "Come this way," he said as he turned a corner. I looked at the walls to see which line we were following but, none of them said anything about a weapons closet, I was so confused until I looked up at the ceiling and saw a blood-red dotted line in the center of the ceiling going in the same direction that we were going.
That makes sense, if someone manages to break in past their millions of layers of security, they don't want the intruder to know where they keep their guns.

We turned another corner that went down a long hallway with more doors on the sides, but one normal-looking door at the end caught my attention. I continued looking up and saw that the dotted line led up to it.

Jayson took his wallet out of his back pocket and swiped it against the scanner that opened the door. It beeped and the doors pushed open. Only, the room didn't look like a weapons closet, it looked like a regular storage closet. There were coat racks scattered about the room, with random chests lining the walls. Jayson approached one of the chests and slid a hidden compartment on the top of it, and typed in a code. The sound of mechanisms moving in the walls sounded and my neck sapped to my left.

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