Chapter 17 (Remastered) End of Vol. 1

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All of our jaws hit the floor.

"She's pregnant?" Ms. Atlas asked in disbelief.
My stomach turned in on itself and my heart rose to my throat.

"Let's find her," I said. "There's no point crying about this, let's just get her and get her the help that she needs," I added. We all nodded.
"She's in room 4-207," the nurse said. "Alright, Mike, you come with me, everyone else stay," I commanded, "WHAT! I'm her mother I hav-"

I cut her off, "You are her mother and you want to be here for her, out here with backup," I persuaded. She looked into my eyes and pleaded but I came out on top.
"Alright, Mike let's go," I said, he nodded and followed behind me.

{Back to Jane's POV}

Sinclair hasn't stopped watching me since we got here and it's probably worse than being handcuffed to that bed. But, the medicine was wearing off, so I was able to move my body for the most part. He hasn't taken his eyes off of me in like two hours. But whenever a nurse comes in I convince him that he needs to drink more water, he's had like five cups of water now, and by the way he's tapping his leg and twisting his hips, I can tell that the water wants to get out.
It's only a matter of time.


The sound of the door being knocked on caught my attention. The air that felt like it'd been trapped in my lungs forever finally escaped. A doctor walked in holding a clipboard taking Sinclair's attention away from me. "Hey!" He exclaimed as he walked in, a giant smile on his face. Suddenly Sinclair stood up, "Jane, let's go to the bathroom," he said. The doctor looked at us in confusion, when he looked at me, I tried to look like I didn't want to go.

"Sorry sir, our bathrooms are one person per room," He said. Sinclair stared at the doctor and then at me. "Okay fine, but don't do anything I wouldn't," he said with a wide and awkward smile on his face. The door swung shut and it was finally just me and the doctor.
            "Okay ma'am, I'm sorry it took us so long we've been a little busy but I got your results back from the lab and I just want you to prepare yourself because this may or may not be what you want to here. But first I just want to say that when you came in you did seem very nauseated and your blood did seem to be containing something, do you know how that happened?" he asked. 

Nervously, I looked at the door and then back at the doctor, "I've been having trouble falling asleep," I lied, my voice slightly trembling. "I take muscle relaxers to help go to sleep," I said. The doctor scribbled on the clipboard he'd been holding and looked back at me. "Well, it looks like you've been taking dangerous amounts and It could be what is causing your nausea," he explained. I nodded in agreement.

"Or," he started. "You could be pregnant,"

My eyes widened. "Pregnant?" I repeated. "Yes, but we're not entirely sure so, we're going to have you take a pregnancy test in a bit if that's okay?" he asked. "Y-yeah, that's fine," I agreed. 
     The doctor scribbled some more on his clipboard and turned to leave, "Alright I'll have a nurse come back with a pregnancy test," he said. But as he reached the door, the handle turned and the door opened.

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