chapter 2 (Remastered)

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 I held my arm out and called for a cab.

Only a couple of minutes went by until the obnoxiously yellow car halted right in front of me.
      On the way home I kept thinking about what had just happened, wondering what would follow, I mean there's no way he's just going to let me get away with that.

Soon, I reached my home, it's a 2-story nicely decorated house but it wasn't obvious a female lived there. There were clothes thrown occasionally about the place.  As I closed the door, I immediately ran to my room to change my clothes after which I looked for a hidden, backup, communication device, manufactured, and distributed by the company I work for. All agents given one were tasked with securing a location in their houses.

I hid mine under a floorboard under my couch. 

I moved the couch a foot to the side revealing a black box of only 5 inches in length, width, and height. I opened the box and took out a second earpiece, before putting the bo back under the floorboard. I tapped the side of it twice which connects it to the giant metaphorical antenna that connects me to any other person with a corresponding device.

"H-Hello, agent J-za7k." I called out, crossing my fingers, hoping for a response. 
      "Jane? Jane?" A voice called out, it was the same voice from earlier. "Mike? Oh my God, you won't fucking believe what just happened." I said. Conner sighed over the earpiece. "Jane, are you okay? What the hell happened?" He asked. I dropped my hands to the floor. "It's a long story, let's just say it's a failed mission," I said.  

_____________________Idk how many hours TBH__________________________

A couple of hours go by and a ring at my doorbell breaks my focus, I'd punished myself by forcing myself to stare at the wall. I run to go get the door and there Mike is with Chinese takeout, I pull him inside and close the door behind him. "What the hell?" He verbalized.  "I don't exactly know if he knows where I am now," I informed. Mike dropped the bags and his jaw. "Jane? Jane," he said in disbelief.

"You let me come here knowing that your location could be everywhere in America by now?" He asked genuinely scared. "I'm sorry, but I'm scared too." I said, "So you decided to get me killed with you!?" He yelled. I dropped my head to my shoulders. "I'm sorry." I apologized. Mike paced back and forth slowly, "What the hell am I gonna do? Now my location and identity could be leaked and I could get killed, or better yet, you could've just gotten my family killed" He explained.

"Jane, I need you to tell me exactly what happened when we lost contact." He demanded. I slowly walked past him and sat down on the couch. "Okay, uhm. So, when i lost contact, I also... lost consciousness." I explained, Mike looked even more terrified than before. "When i woke up, I was stripped done to my underwear and strapped to a table, he didn't touch me so don't worry about that." I continued. 
     "So then how did you get out?" He asked, by this point my hands were in my lap fiddling with my thumbs, "Well, he let me off the table, and we had a scuffle, but as you can see i came out on top." I finished.

"So you killed him?" He asked

My heart got stuck in my throat and suddenly it was hard to breathe. "Did you kill him?" He asked again. Once again my head and flow and I shook it to the side.

"Jane, there is no reason why you should've made small mistakes like that. I have to go now." He said, I didn't even try to stop him, as his points were all valid. One minute the door was open, the next it was slammed which probably could've been heard from two blocks away. I sat on the couch for a bit, trying to think about what I should do. 

My house fell silent, even more so than it normally was.

It was a careless mistake that I really shouldn't have let happen. 

Suddenly beyond the silence, I heard something in my room fall, my head clocked immediately towards the sound and I stood still waiting for another sound to confirm my suspicions.
    When I didn't, I stood up and slowly approached my bedroom door after picking up the gun i kept tucking in between the cushions of my couch. I raised it at the doorway and approached further.

For a bit of background, I am a secret agent working for the secret company, A.K.A.S. We specialize in a lot of things, we mostly receive jobs from people, typically people with higher power and we do them. They can range from, assassination, borderline terrorism, cyber-attacks, etc. See I say borderline because, sometimes we get mail about jobs that are really suspicious or shady that we have to look more into. 
     That aside, we are fully trained, skilled operatives. Yes, we all are more gifted in different areas whether it be flexibility, physical combat, combat with a weapon, or digital attacks, but we all have some understanding of them all.

With my gun aimed at the doorway, I inched closer and closer, to which i then jumped in and looked around—the only abnormal thing to be seen was a book that had fallen off of a shelf. A relieved sigh escaped my lungs and I fell back into the living room. (Not literally) 

I walked over to the bar table that bordered my kitchen and my living room and put my gun down. "What the hell am I gonna do?" I asked myself.

"I have an idea."

I quickly picked up my gun and turned around, all the color I had drained from my body and my body ran cold.

Jayson was seated on my couch with a blank expression written on his face. He also had a gun pointed at me, "I wouldn't shoot if I were you." He advised. I was terrified, but I couldn't let him know that. "And why shouldn't I? I could wash my hands of you and have one less problem on my back." I mocked, though his expression stayed the same.

"I have orders put out to storm your house if a shot that's fired that isn't mine is heard." He said

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