chapter 3 (Remastered)

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"You're bluffing," I said.

"Care to find out?" He implored 

I clenched my gun with both hands and aimed with my whole body.  Do i want to find out whether he's bluffing or not? What is at stake here? Me, my organization, my friends, and my family. 

I put my gun down on the table behind me, "What the hell do you want?" I asked
     We stare at each other for a minute, "you really pique my interest you know that?" He said. "Nobody, at least that I've met, until you of course, has been able to throw me off my balance like that." I was a bit confused. "So what that's just basic training, now when are you going to get your government FBI people to come to arrest me?" I asked.

"I'm not with the FBI." He said.

I looked at him confused, "Or homeland security or whoever the fuck," he put his gun down beside him. "I don't work for the government, at least not directly." He informed. I got slightly off my guard, "so then what the fuck was that earlier?" I asked. 
   "Well, I wanted to know who you worked for, considering that you were able to sneak into a presidential candidate's abode and nearly assassinate them undetected." He explained. 

"It kind of turned me on."

If I wasn't confused before, then I most definitely was now. 

"W-wh can you just explain to me what's happening here?" I asked.  "Just stopped by to have a chat with you, that's all." He said. 
    "So what does this mean going forward?" I asked. Jayson looked at me, still, that annoying blank expression staring into my soul.

"Just stay out of my way, I might not go this easy next time." He advised before slowly getting up and walking out the front door.

How the hell did he do that?

What the hell just happened?

I was still in shock because of what just happened. I slowly walked over to the part of the couch where he was sitting, he was only here a short time yet somehow it smelt like him. 
    I sat down on the couch trying to understand what just happened, I soon fell tired and placed my head down, my eyes slowly closed. And like that, I fell asleep 


I woke up at 7:30 am to my door being flung open, like always. My head shot up from the couch and my gun immediately aimed at the door. It was Mike, he didn't look startled, though he still had his hand up. 

"Calm the fuck down, you still have to go to work even if you are being hunted." He said. After I realized who I was pointing my gun at, I slowly put it down before rubbing my eyes. Mike walked over to me and helped me sit up. "Come on, it's seven thirty you gotta get ready." He advised. 
    "I'm not being hunted," I said, with a very hoarse voice. 

"What do you mean? How do you know that?" He asked. "He told me," I said.

Mike looked at me as if I just made a rainbow come out of my nose. "The fuck do you mean he told you?" I stood up and walked towards my bedroom. "I mean he came into my house and he fucking told me," I responded. 
   Mike stood up and followed me into my room. I walked into my bathroom and threw off my top. "How the hell did he get into your house?" He asked as I threw my pants off as well. I hopped into the shower before I took off my underwear and threw them on the ground. 

I twisted the shower nob and the water flashed on, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I exclaimed. The water came out cold but soon warmed up. "I don't know how he got in, but he did," I answered. I squeezed soap into my loofah and scrubbed my body from head to toe. Mike walked out of the bathroom, he was back in my room putting my clothes together.

"He sat there on my couch with a gun pointed at me. He said he wasn't working for the government and that I needed to stay out of his way." I explained. "Yeah well he better stay out of my way," I finished. I scrub soap onto my face and rinsed it off. When the soap was completely off my body I exited the shower, grabbed my towel, and wrapped it around myself. I picked up my old clothes and carried them into my room. "So what are you going to do?" Mike asked me from out in the living room.

I sighed and dropped everything. The outfit spread out on my bed consisted of black skinny jeans, a black compression jacket, and a black hightop Converse. "I don't know, but I really hope I don't bump into him again, he was... weird," I said, only the last part quieter than the rest.  

After i finished tying my shoelaces, I finished the outfit off with a splash of perfume and my watch, which our agency also gave. A message popped up on it. "See you at work." I read aloud. 
   That means he's gone. 
He leaves just as quickly as he arrives.

I grabbed my mini backpack and tucked my earpiece into my ear. By the door, I picked up my keys and walked out.

Outside of my house, my bike was parked out in the driveway 
   The smell of the Arizona air at 8 in the morning was always a good start to my day. I walked down to the mailbox and looked inside, there were only magazines inside.  

I walked back up to my house and threw them onto the counter before I walked back out and hopped onto my bike. My helmet went over my head and I turned the key into the ignition, secured my phone in my bag, and secured my bag to my back. I walked my bike down to the curb before revving the engine, and then taking off down the road.
   Every day I pass by my neighbors Henry and Moryaihah as they check their mailboxes. I think there's some chemistry there but, that's none of my business.

My drive to work is always my favorite part of the day, most of the city is still asleep, some are just waking up, some just going to sleep. I love analyzing people and getting to understand them better.

The drive from my house to my job is probably around 25 minutes.

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