Chapter 7 (Remastered)

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Jayson led me into a bedroom, "You can put your clothes in here." He said pointing to a walk-in closet with clothes inside. "Is this yours?" I asked. He nodded. I placed my bag down in the closet and walked out. "Here is the bathroom, there's also one out in the living room." He said. "You can sleep in here, I'll sleep out in the living room." He said before walking into the closet and grabbing some of his clothes out.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower before slipping my dress down my body. I'd been standing in that dress for hours so it felt good to finally be out of it. Suddenly the doorknob twisted and the door slowly swung open. Jayson walked in with his hands covering his eyes. I quickly picked up my dress and covered myself with it. "Sorry, here's a towel and a washcloth, you'll need it."

{"Can I ask you a question?" I asked. He slowly dropped his hand from his eyes. "Uhm, sure." I took the towel and the washcloth and placed them on the counter. 

"Do you know what you do to me?" I asked. He cocked a brow, "What do you mean?" I dropped my dress and grabbed both of his hands to pull him closer to me, "Do you know what you've done to me?" I asked. His eyes widened a bit before becoming sharp. He flipped my hands and grabbed my wrists, "No, but I don't think you understand either." He said. I flipped his hands over and gripped his wrists. 

"Why do you think I did such a messy job? Why do you think I didn't resist? I wanted you to catch me." I said. 


Jayson stood still and stared at me.

"I know who you are Mr. Miller. Where you work and now where you live. Do you think that this just happened? No, I've had my eye on you for a while and now, I've caught you." I said. "You were my real target for tonight." 

"So what you're going to try and kill me?" He asked. I laughed a bit. "No no no. Not that kind of target." I said as I pulled myself as close as I could to him. "This isn't what you want," he said. I looked up at him, "Oh yeah? And how do you know that?" I asked. Jayson pushed me away a bit.}


"Do you want the towel or not?" He asked, I jumped out of my daze and focused on him. "Uhm yeah, sorry." I apologized before taking the towel and washcloth away from him. Jayson looked at me a bit sideways before leaving the bathroom.

Once the door closed I collapsed onto the bathroom floor. What the hell just happened? Why the hell would I think about something like that about someone like that?

I finished getting undressed and jumped into the shower. 


I walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom from before and looked around for my phone but, it was nowhere to be found so I went out into the living room where Jayson was sitting on his sofa. I made my way towards the front door so that I could check the car when Jayson appeared behind me and grabbed the doorknob, stopping me from leaving. 

"Where are you going?" He asked. My body shuddered from his sudden approach. "I'm just going to check my car for my phone," I said. We stared into each other's eyes for a bit, he was using a basic analysis method that's taught, locking eyes to force out any deviations in body language.         However we're also taught to counter this method, so I stayed firm.

"Okay." He said before letting go of the door and backing up. I opened the door and stepped outside, I nearly fell out of my chest and my face heated up. I ran to the car and hopped inside where I sat for a bit while I composed myself. "What is wrong with you?" I asked myself. Why am I suddenly feeling like this? I shouldn't feel like this, not about him.

I looked around the car for my phone, on the passenger seat, in the glovebox,  and on the center console but, it wasn't there. I finally felt around under the driver's seat until my hand hit something. "What the?" I muttered under my breath. I grabbed it and brought it to eye level. I analyzed the object, it lookd like some kind of tracking device. 

"When the hell did this get here?" I asked myself. It had to have been when I went into my house. No. It had to have been much before then. I've been messing up lateley, actually since I met Jayson but, I can't let this go on. I need to get back to myself, no matter how he.. makes me feel.

I looked around a bitmore for my phone and eventually found it in the passenger door. "Gotcha." I said to myself. My excitement was cut short when I realized that I had to go back into that man's house. There was nothing else that I really could do so I took a deep breath and walked back into the house.

As the door pushed open, Jayson immediatley came into view. "If you'd taken any longer I would've had to go out and gotten you," He said. Though, i'm almsot a hundred percent sure that he wasn't joking. But, I shrugged him off and walked past him. But out of the corner of my eye, something stopped me, catching my attention. There were female clothes thrown beside him on the sofa.
       Does he have a girlfriend? Does she know i'm here? Does she know what we are? A million and one questions ran through my mind in seconds.

"Are you okay?" Jayson asked me, snapping me back to reality. "Oh, um.. Yeah, i'm fine." I said, before walking back to the bedroom. My chest felt a bit deeper for an unknown reason. 
    When i got into the bedroom, I closed the door and sat down at the edge of the bed.


My phone went off.

There were a barage of messages, all from Mike. After reading them over I saw that they all consisted of, "Are you okay?" "What happened?" And "Where are you?" What the hell do I say?  I can't tell him where I am can I? Without another thought I told him. 

Me: [I'm at that guy's house, VERY long story]                                                      01:24

Mike:[What guy?????]                                                                                                       01:25

I felt shame in my fingers as I typed the words out.

Me:[They guy that came to my house]                                                                      01:25


The bubles floated there beside his name for a minute, then they went away. He never texted me back. I lied back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling, which at some point I fell asleep.

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