Chapter 4: Stare

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Cara's POV

I wander around central park. Mindlessly walking around.
I am still baffled on why
I was assigned at the Executives floor. I am new and usually old cleaners are the one who are assigned there.
Don't get me wrong the workload on that floor is less but the pressure of cleaning perfectly is immense.

We don't know maybe Mr. Bradford is inspecting every furnitures for dust in his free time. I heard that he is allergic to dust. That's the rumor that I heard when I was new that's why our  department head sternly remind us to clean properly.

I decided to buy 2 hotdog waffles and a 1.5 liters of water for dinner. As a routine I sat on the grass and observe people while eating.

I finish my dinner then decided to go home. As soon as I arrive at my room I freshen up and tried to sleep. Key word is tried.

Eventually sleep catches up to me and in no time my alarm is blaring.
I do my morning routine and made sure that I arrive extra early at the office so that I can clean the floor before the staff arrive.

At 5:30am I am already starting to scrub, clean and disinfect the 2 restrooms on this floor. I check all the Bidets if it is functioning correctly and refilled all the tissue paper on each stall.

I finish at 7:30am. Cleaning restrooms takes a lot of work but it is satisfying to see it sparkling and smelling fresh after.

I decided to wipe all the chairs and tables then I'll take my break.
I greeted the receptionist and the PA of Mr. Bradford which they return pleasantly.

I carefully clean all the crevices of the chairs and tables. Dust always accumulates in that area.

As I was cleaning one of the couch outside the office of the owner's office. I feel chills suddenly runs up to my spine. It feels like there is someone staring at me. I look around but there is no one around me.
I shrug my shoulders then continue my current work.

"Cara please come here."
I look up and the PA of Mr. Bradford is calling me in her office.

"You called me Miss?"

"Please call me Jane no need for formalities. It is past 9 am already. You are already past your first break. You can take your one hour break now."

"I'll just finish-'' she cuts me off and said

"No no. Go now. That's an order. These furnitures will not go anywhere. They can wait. Understood?"

I nodded skeptically and reluctantly return the disinfectant spray and the rug that I am using to my cart.

I went down to the cafeteria and chose an Egg sandwich and a cup of coffee.
After 10 minutes I went back to work. Jane looks up when she saw me and said "You're already finish?"

I nodded and replied " It's just breakfast anyway and I need to continue my work so I can go home on time."

Jane nodded in understanding then I resume my work. The feeling of someone staring at me came back.

Maybe it is just my nerves.

I stand up. I close my eyes and grasp my necklace. I take several deep breaths to calm my nerves.

After a minute I open my eyes and went to the conference room to clean it.

I arrange all 21 chairs. I wipe the enormous table inside the room. I can't believe that there are wrappers of candies on the floor. This people can't even throw a small candy wrapper properly.

I tried to wipe the flat screen TV inside but my small stature made that impossible. Why does all things here is not height friendly for us who are five feet and below?

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