Chapter 21: Planning

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Blake's POV

Did I hear James right?

He is planning a date and he wants us to give him ideas?

Cara clears her throat and says "Well to plan a date we need to know first her personality, her likes and dislikes."

James lean back on his seat and starts to describe the girl with a faraway look
"Her name is Ella. She is weird, socially awkward-"

Wait is he insulting her? I don't think you describe the woman you are wooing as weird and socially awkward.

"Beautiful, thoughtful, sweet. She loves to eat and her mind is like a child. Innocent and pure. She is small. She only reach my chest. She is petite. She wear those cute eyeglasses. She is blind as shit but I don't mind. I'll be her eyes and her guide through the darkness."

What the fuck? Cara and I look at each other in disbelief. James is fucking in love with this girl even before the first date!

I thought James type are those tall, sexy, smart independent woman. I am wrong. He likes the opposite. I swear this is the first time I heard James say "cute". I should have recorded this.

Cara stare at James thoughtfully.
"James." She calls him to get his attention because my motherfucking bestfriend was still in La La land imagining his obsession.

After calling his name several times. James finally goes back to reality.

"I am sorry Cara did you say something?"

"Yes she's been calling your name for 5 minutes straight. If your mind is here on earth with us you'll probably hear her but no you are already in dreamland probably imagining Rated R scenes with Ella."

"My thoughts are all pure Blake." James said indignantly.

"Suuuurre." I don't believe him.

"I have an idea James." Cara started.
James eagerly lean on the table.

Wow this the first time I saw James excited and eager that doesn't involve math or destroying someones life.

"Since you said that she is socially awkward it means she is shy so why don't you find a secluded spot and set up a candle lit dinner of some sorts with different kinds of food since you said she loves eating and then set up like an outside cinema."

I like her idea. I conclude that Cara should plan all our date. She is much better on planning those things.

Me? The best I can do is bring her to an eat all you can buffet and call it a date.

James nodded and lean on his chair.

"I like your idea. Maybe not candle lit since she might burn herself. I'll just use those lights that you hang. What is it called?"

"Fairy lights." I answered.

Cara and James look at me weirdly.

"What?! They look cute okay! I saw it on Pinterest!" I explained.

"I don't even want to know how you know Pinterest Blake." Cara said.

"Anyway I'll list the menu that she might like and I'll cook it for her. I'll just tell her Giaccomo cooked it because she might be force to eat it even if it taste bad if she learned I am the one who cooked our meal."

"Maybe you can add those animated films James on your list for the movie." I suggested.

James nodded and proceeds to jot it down on his notepad? When did he even bring that shit out?

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