Chapter 5: Fatass

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Cara's POV

It is my 2nd week in cleaning the Executives floor and let's say that nothing significant happened.

I ask my manager if I can have a partner but she refused because according to her Mr. Bradford permitted only one cleaner on his floor.
Dejectedly I went back to work.

Whenever I am free I also assist Jane and Marie the receptionist in setting up the conferemce room if they have a scheduled meeting.

Oddly I did not see or hear Mr. Bradford but I am sure he is in his office because there is a heavy feeling whenever he is there.

Jane is as usual busy and requested me to place the hard copy of the presentation later on the table of the conference room.

"Cara can I ask a favor?" Jane ask.


"There is a food delivery at the lobby and it is the lunch of Mr. Bradford can you please get it and place it inside his office. He is not there so don't worry."

"Ok no problem."

I proceeds to distribute the hard copy properly on the conference room table and after that I went down at the lobby and recieve the lunch of Mr. Bradford.

I did not expect that I am receiving two Big paper bags! How much food is he consuming a day? This is only for lunch?

I haul my ass back to the top floor. I saw that Jane and Marie is not on their place. Either they are on a break or the meeting already started.

I put the paper bag down before I silently open the door of Mr. Bradford's office.

I pick it up and entered his office.
"Why does this bag is so heavy. Seriously is he eating for 4 people?" I grumbled while carefully placing the bag on the small table inside Mr. Bradford's office.

"If I eat this amount of food everyday no Joke I'll be joining that 600lbs show." I continued.

"Is that so?" A deep baritone voice replied.

I stiffen.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I robotically glance where the voice comes from and there in all his glory Mr. Bradford leaning back on his chair. Gazing at me with no expression on his face.

Double shit.

"Uhm Bye!" I squeek and run the hell out of his office.

Like the last time I rush inside the restroom and douse my face with cold water.

Cara you're so dumb! Why did I not knock first before entering his room? And I basically call him a fatass in front of his gorgeous face!

I hope he doesn't fire me.

And God this the first time I saw him in a closer distance and all I can say he is smokin hot.

I take a deep breath and unconciously search for my necklace that I take comfort whenever I am feeling anxious.

It's gone.

I pull out my shirt to peek maybe it got lodge inside my bra but it is not.

Where is it?!

I look at the floor maybe it fell but there is no trace of my necklace.

I stumble out of the restroom and frantically search the floor until the lobby but to nothing. My necklace is still missing.

I went up again and hide inside the janitor's closet. I slump on the floor silently cry for my lost necklace. The only thing that is giving me hope. I lost it.


Blake's POV

Sign here.

Sign there.

Replying to some emails then prank call James in between.

"What the fuck Blake?! I am in the middle of a meeting!" James exclaimed.
I laugh and cut off the call.

Riling James is one of my hobby.
Really. My day is not complete if I don't tease or mess with my bestfriend.

Someone knocks on my office and I just grunts. I don't want to waste my energy.

"Sir your 10am appointment is here." Jane my PA said.

She did not wait for my reply since she's not getting any. She's working for me for almost 5 years so she knows already what to do.

One of my directors entered my office holding a manila envelope.
"Goodmorning Mr. Bradford."

He place the envelope on my desk then sits on one of my couch.

I opened the envelope and scan the documents inside.

He is proposing to increase the prices of our steel products and increase the working hours of our employees in the shipyards and factories.

He is dumb or what? I will not overwork my employees just for an additional 5% revenue.


"But sir if you compute it properly. We will earn at least $3 million dollars in a week."

I return the documents inside the envelope and place it at the end of my desk.

I stare down this fucker and said "We can earn that $3 million in another way and I will not overwork my staff for a meager income. Mr. Rodriguez in my corporation we don't exploit our staffs. They have families waiting for them at home. Your proposal is not worth it. I'd rather have my employees spent more time with their families than let them have overtime for a meager 5% increase in revenue."

He attempts to answer back but I just arch my eyebrows.

He shuts up and grab the envelope on my desk.
As he turns around I call him again and said. "And by the way Mr. Rodriguez you should apologize to the trees that was sacrificed to make the papers that you use to print your shitty proposal."

He did not say anything but I know he is holding a grudge. A man almost half of his age degrading him repeatedly. I need to be careful. He might do something suspicious.

Out of nowhere my door suddenly opens and she entered holding all my orders for lunch.

We made eye contact and there is a tug in my chest that I can not get rid off.
I did not know her name but she intrigues me.

She keeps on ranting not knowing that I am sitting prettily on my rolly chair.
Is she calling me a fatass?

Excuse me girl I am sexy as hell. I am just a growing man that's why I need more food. I did not even ordered any dessert!

"Is that so?"

She stiffen and slowly turns around to see me sitting on my chair. I think she assumes that my office is empty that's why she did not knock.

Her black hair is in a bun and her wide blue eyes is clearly shock her mouth is agape.
She squeeks a goodbye and bats out of my office.

Tsk. She did not even close the door.
I lazily gets up from my chair and close my door and lock it. After that I drop my badass, rude boss persona and runs towards my food.

Shit I am so fucking hungry good thing I ordered enough to last me until this afternoon.

I don't care if it is not lunch time yet. I am the boss. I will eat whenever I want.

I slowly take out all my food. Something slips out from inside the bag.
I pick it up and I was shock.

It was a gold necklace. When I look at the pendant I instantly recognize it.
The necklace that I gave to her.

My beloved.

I swear this is the one because it is custom made. I save my money just to gift her a necklace with our initials. Then I did not see her again.

Okay Blake don't get excited. Be calm. I'll eat first then after that I'll hunt her down.
It's a damn time I get a proper explanation then I'll kidnap her.

Just joking.

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