Knight in Burnt Skin

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Chapter 21

Three o'clock came and you could finally leave and head home. You felt a rush of inspiration to write as you entered the house. You quickly grabbed your laptop and started typing away.

About ten minutes later, Dabi walks through the front door, and with how focused you were, you didn't even notice.

"You're not gonna greet me?"

"When did you get here?"

"I could've been a serial killer and you would've been dead by now."

"Is that not what you are now?"

"True. What're you doing", he said standing behind the couch where you sat.

"Writing. I just had a sudden rush of inspiration."

"Lemme see that", he says reaching over to grab your laptop. He reads your work for a bit. "It's pretty good and I don't even like reading. But all this sounds kinda familiar."

You turn back to look at him. "What do you mean?" He sits walks over and sits on the couch.

"He was a daredevil. He gave her the thrill she'd been craving her entire life", he read. "You telling me that doesn't sound familiar?"

"Okay fine. Maybe parts of it are based on my experiences here. But you said people don't only want sappy stuff in stories and you were right. If I keep this up I might be able to get my book published sooner than expected."

"So you think I'm a daredevil?"

"You are."

"What about this part? She felt more comfortable around him than she ever did with her toxic ex. That's based on you too?"



"There's nothing to explain. I saw my ex today, that's it."

"You've dated someone?"

"Yes? Why'd you sound so surprised?"

"That guy must've been so unlucky."

"Fuck you."

Dabi laughs.

"Is that a white hair?", you say looking at Dabi's head. You hold his head down. "Stay still." You picked out the piece of hair. "Woah, it is. You're getting old already. Wait your roots are white too... Is this hair dye?"

"I've been meaning to fix that."

"It's pretty. Why do you dye it?"

"Just because."

"That isn't an answer."

"It reminds me of the old me."

"The old you huh? Well, I won't pry and I know you won't tell me anyway. Can I at least dye it for you?"

"Do you know how to?"

𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 || dabiWhere stories live. Discover now