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Chapter 22


"Sit here", you say pointing to the closed toilet seat. You go into the cabinet to get a pair of gloves. "You should stop using your quirk by the way."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you smell terrible when you do. Seriously stop. I swear it smells like your quirk is eating you away."

"So are you gonna tell me the story about what happened between you and your ugly ex?"

"I don't like the guy, but I wouldn't exactly say he's ugly. I wouldn't have dated him if I didn't find him attractive."

"Damn, sticking up for him now?"

"Not at all."

"What happened then?"

You begin putting the dye in Dabi's hair.

"Nosey. Okay, so it started in high school. Me and him had been in the same class since freshman year but never really spoke to each other unless we had to work together or something. It wasn't-"

"Never mind, just do my hair. This isn't interesting."

"Shut the fuck up. I'm getting to it, just wait. As I was saying, it wasn't until the first week of senior year he actually approached me. Like, I mean make an actual conversation. He hit me with the whole 'I don't know why we never talked. You seem so interesting'. Did I forget to mention he was a total fuckboy and the school's golden boy?"

Dabi sighs. "Let me guess. You thought you could change him? Typical woman."

"Can you just let me finish? You were the one who asked to hear what happened."

"Go on."

"Right. So yeah, I was hesitant because I didn't understand why he took an interest in me all of a sudden. It was weird. We were both pretty popular since we both had parents who were part of some big company. We became friends. By October, he asked me out. It had only been a month but being young and fucking dumb, of course, I said yes."

"I saw this coming."

"Okay, I'm done. Since you can't shut up and let me speak."

"Alright, alright, I'm done now."

"We were good. Well I thought we were. He started getting distant like four, five months in. Every time I'd wanna do something, he'd say he's busy. When I'd call or text him, he'd barely answer or just leave me on seen. When I confronted him about it, he said it's because he feels like I didn't love him because every time he'd ask to have sex with me, I'd turn him down. You could probably imagine what happened after that. I gave him my virginity that night."

"I thought we were better, but he started wanting to do something like every other night since that day. And we did. I didn't reject him because I loved him. I thought it would make him stay. It was like this for like a month, maybe a month and a half."

"One day sometime in April, I went to school and everyone was staring at me. They were whispering and shit, I didn't know what happened. I was popular but I only had like two friends. One of them pulled me into the bathroom and showed me her phone. Adrian had taken nude photos of me while I was asleep and sent them around to a few of his friends. They somehow ended up on social media."

"When I confronted him about it, he didn't even seem to care. All he said was he didn't expect them to post it. No remorse, no anything."

"Please tell me you beat his ass."

"I wish. I can't even fight, but I did slap him hard enough to leave a mark. The whole school talked trash about me and I only had one person in my corner."

"One? I thought you said you had two friends."

"Yeah, the other ditched me after that. Got together with Adrian the week after. Apparently, she hated me all throughout high school. She claimed I was ungrateful because my family had money and I didn't appreciate it. Said I deserved it."

"You hit her too?"

"Nah. But karma caught up to her. She got pregnant a month later and Adrian didn't want shit to do with her. He had been cheating the entire time too. I remember when she was around five months, she came to me asking for forgiveness. Well, for money too."

"I just know you said yes."

"I actually said no. I kinda felt bad about that. I may hate her, but her child is innocent. I wonder what happened to that kid. Anyways, long story short, those boys got expelled and it was only two months away from graduation."

"And your ex?"

"Oh, no he didn't. As I said before, his family's rich so his dad paid a shit ton of money to keep him in. But he did get taken out of his family's company which his ugly ass mother blamed me for."

"What did your parents do?"

"Turn your head real quick... My parents? My father blamed me of course. Claimed my choices would end up driving his business into the ground. My mother on the other hand didn't even care. All she said was to forget about it. Luckily for me, people had moved onto some other scandal after two weeks. Moral of the story, not everyone wants the best for you."

"Damn... That was something."

"Mmhm. I don't need pity by the way. I got over it a long time ago."

"I don't pity anyone. I'm just shocked you trusted me with all that."

"Does that mean you trust me now?"

"Still no", he says.

"But what ever happened to that other friend of yours?"

"Oh, he's doing good. He's working in the military but we still talk occasionally... Alright, I think I'm done. So you gotta leave this in for forty-five minutes to an hour, then wash it off. Make sure you shower while you're at it. You still smell burnt."

"Are you gonna help me?"

"Is sex all you can think about?"

"Yes. So is that a yes?"



𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 || dabiWhere stories live. Discover now