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Your POV

I hung up the phone from the call I got from Nova's school saying she was causing trouble at school again. But this time she cut off some little girl's pig tails off. I sighed as I grabbed my purse and phone as I made my way to my car, driving to Nova's school.

I parked in the visitors section and made my way to the front office. As I entered, I spotted Nova sitting on the chairs, colouring in her design book. She looked up at me, her dark curly hair bouncing against her back. She gave me a dimpled smile and got off her seat. He skirt was on backwards, she wasn't wearing her shoes and had multiple paint stains on her pale blue shirt. As everyday.

"Mummy!" She squealed, jumping into my arms. I picked her up and placed her little body on my hips. I knew I babied her way too much, Harry told me multiple times.

"Nov, what did you do this time." I sighed as we went to the Principals office. I usually never had to ask because of how many times I'd been in here. I knocked on the door and waited for her response. Once i heard a harsh 'come in'.

"Uh, good afternoon Mrs Collister." I greeted as I placed Nov down on the ground. We went to sit on the only seat that was located infront of her desk. I placed Nova onto my lap as she fiddled with my purse.

"Mrs Styles, do you realise that this is the 3rd time this week I've had to call you. Nova is utterly becoming a nuisance." She hissed, giving me and Nova a glare. First of all, how do you glare at basically a toddler. I couldn't help gasp in offence as to what she said.

"Did you just call my daughter a nuisance." I rhetorically asked, sending her glare. She didn't have the right to call Nova a nuisance. Only I could do that.

"Yes. If I may, I'd like to elaborate as to why I would use such a word." She stated pulling out her book from the desk. Oh the famous book I had been familiarised with ever since Nova had been enrolled here.

"Last week Monday, she painted the the classroom desks purple. On Tuesday, she replaced her classmates lunches with sand. On Friday, she dumped all the instruments into the rubbish tip. This week, she put a frog in poor Eloise's backpack, she threw Jake's shoes out the 3rd floor window and just today, cut Olivia's pig tails off! If that's not an extreme level of nuisance, then I must be stupid." She growled, slamming the book down on the desk, causing Nova to jumped at the impact.

"My daughter is not nuisance. She's creative. Olivia needed a new haircut anyway, did you not see those split ends." I chuckled. Nova looked up at me and burst out laughing. We laughed together until I noticed the glare Mrs Collister was giving us.

"Now I see where she gets this kind of behaviour from."

This time I was the one to frown. Did she just insult me? First she insults my daughter, then me? Not cool lady.

"Hey, that wasn't necessary. Okay, we'll just pay for whatever damage she's done this time and call Olivia's parents to apologise. Easy done." I sighed, getting ready to leave. I was expecting her to agree but she was quick to shake her head.

"No, not this time. We've put up with her behaviour for much too long and we just can't tolerate this child anymore." She retorted. I rolled my eyes at her, which caused her to frown even more than I thought was humanly possible.

"She's 5, if you can't tolerate a 5 year old, you can't tolerate anyone. Lets go Nova. We'll be back Monday to pick up all her things. Have them ready by then." I snapped grabbing Nova's hand and leading her to the door.

"Oh and by the way, we never liked your monthly loaf, not even our dog liked it and he eats from the bin." She gasped at my comment. Nova and I made our way out of the building and to the car.

"Mummy, do I still have to go to this school anymore?" Nova asked once I buckled her all up in her seat. I looked her in the eyes and kissed her forehead.

"No baby, not anymore. We're going to find you a better school. Daddy will not be happy that I took you out of school but I can't stand you being there anymore." She gave me another dimpled smile as I shut her door and made my way to the drivers seat.

"Oh, and mummy..." She trailed off.


"I kind of put rat poopie in Mrs Collisters tea and her choc chip cupcakes." She laughed. I gasped, thinking about my daughter. Okay, so we really needed to discipline her more.

"Baby, that wasn't a good thing to do."

"I know, I'm sorry mummy."

"Good luck telling your daddy that Nov."

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