Awkward 8.2

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"Cam wait!" I called out as I followed after. He turned around to look at me but he didn't glare or give me an angry look. I sighed as I finally caught my breath before deciding to talk.

"Look, it's okay Y/N, I understand that you want to be with him." He assured, giving me a warm smile. It automatically made me feel guilty for practically using him as a rebound to get him off my mind.

"I used to but he doesn't know what he wants." I looked to the floor, staring at the seemingly interesting road.

"Listen Y/N, I know what it's like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back. I felt that when I was with Shanae. But the difference is that you have a chance to change that." I was touched by his little speech/ pep talk. It even made me feel guilty for being in love with Harry.

"I don't know what to say." I breathed. He gave me a smile before pulling me in for a hug. "Please stay, I would really like to spend my birthday with you."

"Yeah of course, anything for the birthday girl," he winked, pushing me slightly forward. I nudged him with my shoulder causing him to almost trip over but he managed to catch his balance.

"Cam, you need to go after her. She clearly felt something for you. Don't let her go that easy, I know how much it hurts too but you've got to keep going after her, yeah?" I demanded. He gave me a slight pout before nodding as we entered the backyard again. Harry turned to look at me once again, giving me a sympathetic look. Cameron pushed me forward in the direction of Harry. I sighed as I sat next to him around one of the tables

"I don't appreciate what you did just then,"

"I know, I'm sorry. That was really irresponsible of me. I swear, I'll back away from your relationship." He frowned as he looked to the floor in sadness. "No matter how much it hurts..." He mumbled the last line to himself but I heard him very clearly. I lifted his chin up and stroked his jawline.

"It's okay, just promise to never do that again. Cal and I kind of decided to...remain friends." I nodded my head. A small smile appeared on his face as he stood up and pulled me up with him. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around in the air before placing me back down in the ground.

"Would this be an inappropriate time to kiss you?" He smirked lightly. I shrugged my shoulders and thought of it carefully.

"I hope you realise that this is going to the on the tabs tomorrow, my cousins are snitch bitches." I commented but his smirk never died down, in fact, it widened even more if that was possible.

"Well then I guess we'll just have to give them something to snitch about," Was all he said before gently placing his lips onto mine, finally giving me that satisfaction of being able to call him mine.



Exams are over! No more delayed updates. Besides, this story is coming to a close end guys😓😭😭

Please don't forget to check it my 'Just a classmate' book. I'm just about to update that one too.

Also, is someone who is very good at wattpad covers able to make me a cover for Just a Classmate. If so, please dm. Whoever does this will get multiple shootouts, recommendations and will have an imagine dedicated and have a preference to them for the final imagine of book. If there's more than one, then I'll choose the best. Thank you guys xx


Harry Styles ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt