Just a classmate 5.1

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Your POV

I sat down in class, watching him from the corner of my eye. He pursed his lips for a moment and turned to look at me giving me a ridiculous face. I rolled my eyes at him and put the rude finger up at him. He pretended to be hurt by my comment as he fake sobbed and

"Mr Styles and Ms Y/L/N, are you done making verbal sex to each so I may continue my class." Mr Willow, our English teacher growled at us. I blushed at his comment and returned to my book.

After the lesson was over, I was more than ready to finally be going home. I stalled out of the classroom to my locker.

"Wait up!" Harry called from behind. I stopped right where I was until I felt an arm around my shoulders.

"What do you want dickhead." I poked him in the ribs.

"I want your body." He whispered in my ear. I shoved his face off as we reached our lockers. He released his arms from my shoulders.

I opened my locker and dumped my things in there, getting my bag out to take my homework.

Harry's POV

I opened my locker but before I could even grab my bag, I felt two arms wrap around waist.

"Guess who?" I turned around to come face to face with Isabelle, my girlfriend. Without notice, she attacked my lips with hers in an intense make out session. I was take by surprise to begin with but soon got used to it.

I pulled away when I started to feel her place her hands under my shirt. She gave me a wink and licked my ear.

"I've missed you." She smiled through her thick red lips. "You better have not been messing with that girl again. She's just not your type."

I knew she was referring to Y/N, she always got angry when she saw me with y/N.

"...Uh, I'm not; you know I don't like her like that. She's just a classmate Belle."
She nodded her head and turned around to leave with her little posse who soon joined her. Y/N came by my side with a little sad expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I shut my locker Nd looked her in the eyes. There were only a few other students in the hallway who were already beginning to leave.

"Nothing." She replied quietly as she began to walk forward. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back. "What." She snapped giving me a glare.

I was shocked by her attitude. She was never like this.

"Y/N, are you really still jealous of Isabelle? Listen I'm s-" I began, running my nose.

"I'm not jealous Harry, I'm happy for you guys; really." She gave me a fake smile and started to walk off. I sighed and followed after her. We walked in silence together. Everytime I tried to talk to her, she'd ignore me. I couldn't understand what I did wrong.

As we neared our houses, I finally stopped her when we reached her porch.

"Y/N, please tell me what I did wrong." I begged. She wouldn't even look at me, she kept her back to me as if I wasn't even there. "Is it something I s-"

"Why do you even care?" She snapped, finally turning around to look at me.

I was still confused as to what she meant. Ofcourse I cared. Why was she so upset?

"W-Of course I care, you're my best friend remember? What's gotten into you?" I asked. She rolled her eyes at me and scoffed.

"Really now? Because I was starting to get the message that I was 'Just a classmate'." She replied. I rubbed my face as I finally understood what she meant " We've been best friends for 12 years Harry and everyday it seems as if you're embarrassed to be seen with me. If this is how it's going to be like then... I don't want anything to do with you."

She waited for me to reply to her but I stayed in silence, not sure what to say.

"That's what I thought." With that last sentence, she entered her house and shut the door.

What did I just do?

Harry Styles ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum