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Personal Imagine- Michelle


I hear the slamming of the door as I jolt up in bed. I feel the left side of the bed to hold onto him but he's not there. I quickly check the time and it reads 2:46am. I slowly get out of bed as I hear shuffling downstairs and smashing of glass. I stalk to the closet and grab our emergency baseball bat.

I emerged from the bedroom and down the the stairs, following the voice into the kitchen. I switched on the light and emerged my bat to swing at the intruder until he turned around and turned out to be him.

"Harry!" I shouted as I dropped the bat. He looked at me and smiled walking to me.

"Oh baby. Baby baby baby. I missed yooooooou." He slurred placing his arms around my waist. I shoved him off and folded my arms across his chest.

"Where the hell were you!" I shouted in an angry tone. He looked a little confused before flicking his curls with his hands.


"Harry. You come home at 3am and you're so drunk. Gosh, Whats wrong with you."

"Look, I'm not that drunk, I'm just a little tipsy babe. I'm fine." He rolled his eyes at me opening his bottle of water taking a big drink.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" I snapped placing his water bottle on the bench top.

"Well you didn't need to. Im a grown man, I can take care of myself."

"You may be 23 but you still act like you're 16." I hissed, rolling my eyes.

"Hm, yeah. Sure I do. I don't need you constantly on my back every time I come home a little late okay!" He shouted his eyes turning a darker shade.

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"It means you always nag and nag me every time I come home. All the time and you know, I'm sick of it! I love you but sometimes I feel so restricted from the outside world. You know, sometimes i even think about leaving you!" He sighed running his hands through his hair in frustration. I swallowed the lump in my throat and licked my dry chapped lips.

I nodded my head although he didn't see and hung my head low. I felt tears spring to my eyes so I quickly turned around for him not to see me cry, but he quickly snatched my wrist turning me back around. I kept my head low because I didn't want him to see me cry but he pulled my chin up and stared directly into my glossy eyes.


"I need to go to bed now." I whispered wanting to leave so badly.

"Look at me." I turned to look into his deep green eyes. "I'm sorry for what I said okay. I was just angry, please don't cry." He whispered wiping away the tears from my cheeks and the corner of my eyes. "Please."

"I get why you're angry." He stared at me waiting for me to go on. "I get that I've been quite annoying. Trust me, I know. Im just so worried about you since... since your depression. I just feel like something out there is just going tick your bomb and then- and then i'll lose you. I'm scared Harry."

"Hey, you're never going to lose me, ever. I'm not like that anymore love, I have you, and you got me through it. I may be drunk right now but I know for sure that I need you, I want you, I love you." He reassured as I let a small smile.

He pulled me in his embrace and kissed me multiple times. We spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the big lounge area exchanging little cute comments and kisses until he sobered up a little and fell asleep.

"I love you." I whispered kissing his nose and laying comfortably on his chest to sleep.

Harry Styles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now