Just a classmate 5.3

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Your POV

I was furious at Harry. He didn't even seem to care, the way the words just slipped out of his mouth like a waterfall. It broke my heart. He was supposed to be the one to be my best friend and be there for me but he just couldn't be. All these years I had been so awfully wrong.

Now instead I was the one sitting here on the couch in tears. 5 days later and I was still crying over him. I was glad it was the holidays, otherwise I'd have to see him.

"Y/N, please take me to the mall. You promised me we would hang out." Ellie cried out as she plopped onto the couch. She was already dressed up in a faded jean shorts, vans and a cute shirt. I couldn't let her down the way Harry did.

I groaned as I got up and made my way to my bedroom. I picked out light faded ankle length jeans and a peach blouse. I plopped my vans on and grabbed my wallet, cascading back down the stairs 10 minutes later.

"Thanks Y/N, I love you, you're the best!" Ellie shrieked hugging me. I rolled my eyes at her and went outside. Because I hadn't gotten my license, I couldn't drive, therefore we took public transport.

"You have to love me, I'm your sister."

When we finally arrived, it was chaos as always but nonetheless, we started off at our favourite shops. After entering two shops, I had completely relaxed and forgotten about Harry.

"Ooh this one is cute. Red or black?" Ellie held up two dresses of the same kind in different colours. They were gorgeous dresses.

"Red. You have tons of black. How much?"

"Uhh..." she mumbled as she looked at the price tag. "$22. But it's on a 20% sale so thats....$17.60." She beamed in excitement. She went on to try the dress which fit her perfectly. It really made her look older.

We went through over 10 shops before Ellie decided she was hungry and wanted some lunch. It was currently 2:24pm and I wasn't really hungry but I could go with food. We walked to the food court and examined the shops.

"Hm, what do you want to eat?" I asked looking at her. She shrugged her shoulders and went to line up by the McDonalds isle. A few minutes later we were up.

"Hi, can we get one Large grand Angus meal with a caramel frappe." I smiled politelty, pulling out my card.

"Yeah and I'll get the same but with a coffee frappe." Ellie said leaning on ne.

"You're not getting a coffee frappe. You're not allowed caffeine."

"Um. Yes I am. That's my order thanks." She smiled at the cashier as I gave her a glare which she completely ignored.

"Anything else?" The cashier boy asked, tapping the buttons on the screen.

"Nope." We said in chorus, falling into a little laugh.

"Great. Well your meal has already been paid for by a young gentleman so you can just wait on the side for your food." The cashier told us as he scooted us off to the side.

That's odd. Who would pay for our food? I don't think anyone knew I was going to the mall so how could they possibly pay for my food already.

We collected our food and sat down in a booth still a little confused but eventually shrugged it off. We talked about nonsense until the dreaded topic came up.

"So how come Harry hasn't come over in weeks." She asked popping a chip into her mouth.

I sighed and bit the inside of my cheek. I didn't want to talk about it but I knew she was bound to find out.

"Well, I guess you could say we had this fight 2 weeks ago and basically I found out he didn't really consider me as his best friend. He was ashamed of me. And then just last week he was paid by Lauren to be friends with me. Our own sister." I concluded with a deep sigh. She gave me a sympathetic look but because she knew me better than anyone else, she eventually changed the subject.

30 minutes went by of us slowly eating our food. It really took me by surprise when a boy walked to our table and handed us two bowls of my favourite dessert. There was a little note attached to the bottom of it. Ellie didn't even seem to be curious, she went ahead and dug in.

I read the note which said.

Dear Y/N

I fucked up. I know.
But I don't want what we had to be over.
Ive spent so many years with you,
and it took me this long to realise,
I was a jerk
and you deserved so much more.
I dated every girl I could,
just to try and hide my feelings for you. But it didn't.
Oh Gosh how I would just stare at you and wish I could have done something. I wish I had told you this before I fucked up and I'm a stupid boy.
I hope you can forgive me
Because my life would never,
Ever be complete
Without you.


To say the least, I was a little shocked. I didn't expect this from Harry. He always told me her never had feelings for me. But the note says differently.

I gripped into the paper and tapped my foot anxiously. He honestly can't think that after one note, we would be okay. Just as I realised what this really meant, I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I jumped a little and turned around, shoving the arms off my boy. I knew who it was and I had come face to face with the only, Harry.

"What the- what do you want." I growled at him. He looked down at the ground in shame but kneeled down to my level and spoke.

"I'm sorry. I'm so freaking sorry. I-I never meant to hurt you. A-and it was stupid of me to go and choose Bella over you-" He started but got cut off by me slapping him on his cheek.

Some people around us gasped in shock. I sat there, staring intently at him as he he looked a little taken back.

"I get it." He mumbled standing up. He walked to the McDonalds counter and stood up on it, bringing the announcer to his lips. He opened his mouth and that's when I knew what he was going to do.

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