He's sick

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Harry's POV

I sniffled as I dumped the used tissue to the pile on the floor where all the contents from my nose were released into. It hadn't exactly been the most pleasant 24 hours, my stomach, my sinuses and my head appearing to be having separate battles of their own.

With a mere four hours of sleep behind my back, I couldn't help groan at the banging against my door. Despite the drumming ringing against my ears, I kept my eyes shut in hopes the intruder would simply get tired and leave. But instead I head the creak of the door, followed by a quiet "ew" and sad attempts at tip-toeing. I recognised the voice very well, how could I not having have spent my last five years with the boy.

"I brought you some honey and ginger tea, to help you with your sore throat." He tried to whispe. I opened my eyes as he was placing the mug down onto the bedside table. I nodded in response and less than two minutes later, he had lost interest and left the room. Sitting up was harder than I had remembered it being a few days ago, but I was eager to relieve my sore throat and stop the thrivbing from the back of my head.

I looked around my room, clothes piled in a far corner, my range of converse scattered and day old food stacked on my dresser. I'm sure this was my mums worst nightmare. Despite how awful I had been feeling, my eyes soon landed on the photo frame ontop of my dresser and I couldn't help let a small smile loose.

Y/N and I had gone to the beach two days before I had to leave for my Australian tour. She didn't want to go into the water so I had thought it be a good idea to carry her in myself. Turns out she had lied about her ability to swim, which I found rather weird, cute and extremely dangerous. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy with me, but it wasn't anything an apologetic kiss couldn't fix. We soon found ourselves laughing at rhe way she was flailing her arms in knee deep water. It was a fan who had captured the moment with her polaroid, exchanging the copy of the photo for an autograph on her phone case.

I was quickly snapped out of my daydream when I heard the door slowly open again, this time no knock. I turned my head towards the door, meeting her beautifully wide eyes. She carried a black leather backpack behind her and those legging definitely fit her very well.

"Aw, honey." She cooed, dropping the bag to the floor and sitting the edge of the bed.

"Hi babe."

"You poor thing, you're really sick, huh."

I nodded my head as she ran her fingers through my hair, her cold finger tips of instantly cooling my brain on fire. It was incredibly how her being here for just a few seconds was already making me feel better. I really was as whipped as the boys said I was.

"You should go...I don't want you getting sick too." I gently took her wrist into my palm, placing her hand back onto her lap.

"I'm not leaving and you can't make me."

She left the room and soon came back with a big black plastic bag and my laundry bag that I had actually lost a few weeks ago. She gathered all the rubbish into the bin, and took my plates into the kitchen. I watched intently as she separated my whites from the darks and coloured clothing, stuffing them into the basket together. She even began organising some misplaced items in my room until I could barely recognise it anymore.

Miraculously, my nose began to unblock.

"There you go." She smiled, sitting next to me on the bed. Every inch of my body was begging me to rest my head on her lap because I knew just being in her arms would make me 50% healthier. But that wouldn't be far on her, and so I divided our space with a cushion.

"Thank you babe, really." I sniffled. "I actually feel better already."

"I told the boys they could go out and do something instead of having to take care of you 24/7." She mumbled looking up at me with her big eyes. I smiled in return, so desperate to kiss her lips but then I remembered I was sick.

"So, want to watch a movie?" She asked as she removed her head and walked towards the tv hung onto the wall. She grabbed the stack of CD's and handed them to me.

"I'll be back soon."

She walked out the door leaving me alone again. Although she didn't exactly go anywhere, it still kind of felt lonely without her. I screened through the movies and decided on my top 3. Warm Bodies, bad neighbours and the notebook; as usual.

I decided to stand up and insert the movie into the DVD player. I laid back down on the bed and scrolled through my twitter where one caught my eye.

@Y/T/N: Poor Harry has got the flu so I gave the boys a day off so I could take care of Haz. ( Ps, they are not at the mall) I hope you get well soon Boo @HarryStylesOffical

I smiled at the comment and was quick to reply back.

@HarryStylesOfficial: Thanks Babe, you are the best person ever! You're too sweet ;) Love you boo
. @Y/T/N

A few minutes later she returned with a large tray placed with tons of food. My excitement got the best of me when I finally realised I would get some real food.

"Before, you say anything; the soup is for you." She chuckled, draining the excitement from my face.

"Baby, please." I groggily pleaded pouting my lip. She rolled her eyes, knowing she would give in soon.

"Fine, but don't touch my chicken." She growled setting the tray on our laps as I began to play the movie. After my surprisingly delicious soup, I stole some nuggets from her and had a toasted sandwich with some OJ.

"You know, you really need to stop with these baby pet names." She turned her head to face me before popping a nugget into her mouth.

"Why, I like the pet names." I pouted a little, confused by what she said.

"I know, but people are going to start thinking we are a couple. Come on Haz." She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's so bad about that?"

"Harry, you're my best friend. After that kiss, it was a little awkward so...I still don't know where we stand. I feel like I want to be more than fr-" She began but immediately stopped when she realised that she somewhat confessed that she liked me. I smiled and begin to chuckle.

"Babe, don't worry about that right now okay? I kissed you for a reason and I don't regret it one bit. Let's just enjoy this moment yeah?" I whispered to her due to the soreness of my throat.

After about 1.5 hours into the movie, my eyes began to get droopy so I turned to my left to tell her I was going to sleep but she had already beaten me to it. She looked so peaceful and so innocent with her head lightly laying on my shoulders, her mouth slightly agape and her hair sprawled out around her face. To say the, least she was still stunning in her sleep. I pulled the tray off the bed and pulled the covers over her slightly shivering body. I on the other hand, felt quite warm.

Her eyes slowly opened at the movement which made me feel guilty for waking her up.

"Sorry kitten," I whispered, stroking her hair.

"S'fine. You s-should get some sleep to help you feel better." She mumbled, shutting her eyes once again and snuggling closer to my chest. I enjoyed this feeling. I never really realise how much I miss having her around until I see her after tour.

I closed my eyes and placed a kiss on her temple, bringing her body closer to mine and allowing heat to pass from my body to hers.

"Goodnight princess." I was ready to drift off for the third time today until a quiet voice alerted me.

"Goodnight Harry."

Harry Styles ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang