Broken Sickness 12.1

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It had been three weeks since Harry and I split up from our two year relationship. I of course was devastated because I didn't expect it to end just like that. We didn't even fight or argue, it was quiet but loud enough to hear my heart break.

'I'm sorry, I need some space.'

That was all he said to me, that he needed some space. But I wasn't going to be one of those girls who would bawl out crying. I was never one of them and I wasn't about to start. So I gave him the space he needed so much but a few days later I was greeted with a message to let me know it was over.

I moved back in with my friend Hannah who never seemed to be home. She had been talking about a trip her and her boyfriend were taking to Bora Bora tomorrow, meaning I would be home alone for two weeks.

"Y/N!" I flinched at the foreign hand that touched me before opening my eyes wide. Looking around the dark room, I could just make out Hannah's facial structure after a few seconds of adjustment. She walked to the beanbag and sat down.

"Mhm?" I groaned, laying my pounding head back on the pillow. My eyes felt like they had swallowed watermelons and my throat felt as if I'd been stung by a million bull ants.

"You're coughing, sneezing and struggling to breathe in your sleep." She attemped to whisper, however, making noise from her far end of the room by chewing incredibly loud.

"I think I'm getting sick." I muttered, my voice sounding hoarse and congested. "What are you doing?"

"I can't go to Bora bora when my friend is sick, who'll take care of you!" She walked over to me and plopped on the other side of the bed so that I was facing her.

"I'm fine, Hannah, I'll handle it." I whispered, so desperately just wanting to go back to sleep. She seemed to understand my tired state before giving me a kiss to the forehead an exiting my room.

After what felt like a 20 minute nap, I woke up again but this time the sun was blaring through the curtains. I reached my phone to check the time but instead I was greeted with a familiar face. It was my screensaver of Harry and I on his 21st birthday. I was on his back as we both grinned like love sick puppies at the camera, capturing my favourite moment.

But I needed to move on and change that picture.

After laying in bed for the next 2 hours and receiving special treatment from Hannah, it eventually was time for her to catch her plane which left at 3:21. We bid our goodbyes before eventually I was alone again. With the box of tissues, a blanket and throat lozenges; I made my way to the living room to have a change of scenery.

I must have fallen asleep watching OITNB because I jumped to my feet when the loud doorbell rung. Making my way to the door, I came to realise I wasn't even wearing any pants. But my thought process didn't respond quick enough for me to stop opening the door. Instead, I met eyes with ones I hadn't expected to ever see.



I wanted nothing more than to move on from her but I was finding it rather difficult when I especially needed my boots that I'm sure Y/N had in her apartment. Going over there meant having to see her and having old memories flash back to me.

But I needed the boots.

I managed to convince my brain I needed the boots more than anything so here I was on the road to her apartment. I stopped at the driveway, noticing Hannah's car was there for once. I must have sat in the car for ten minutes before I mustered up the courage to ring her doorbell. There was no sign of motion inside so I reached over to press the bell again but the door then slowly creaked open.

I couldn't believe how different she looked considering we'd only been apart for three weeks. Her hair was down and framing her face, her eyes a dull colour compared to the bright ones I was used to. Even her skin tone was paler than I had remembered. My eyes trailed down to her bare legs before finally arriving back at her eyes.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" She stuttered, wiping her nose in the tissue that was in her hand.

"I uh..." I had completely forgotten what I had come here for in the first place. Just seeing her like this made my brain go crazy and I couldn't help wonder if it was because of me.

Her eyes widened and she pressed her hand to her mouth before turning in the opposite direction and running to the kitchen. I ran after her to see her crouched by the bin, vomiting I presumed.

I followed her down and took a hold of her hair to pull it away from her face as she emptied out her stomach. Just when I thought she was done, she started again. My other hand found its way on her back, rubbing soothing circles to reassure her she was okay. After being seated by the bin for five minutes, she stood up and pulled a paper towel from the roll, wiping her mouth on it. I stood up as well and got an empty glass to put in some water for her. Holding the glass out to her, she looked at me intently before looking at the glass.

"What are you doing?" She muttered, obviously worn out from losing all her food and liquids.

"Just drink okay?" Eventually she gulped down the last sip before flopping herself on the cold floor and resting her head to her knee. I figured she was just tired but I didn't expect her to be passed out in two minutes flat. I crouched down and lifted her up, carrying her to the couch where I placed her down. Even being sick and having even paler skin, she still managed to look as beautiful as she had always been.


Yo part 2? Idk you let me know in the comments😏

Please also let me know if you actually like it because I seem to get more 'part 2!" And 'update!" rather than what people actually like. Please do let me know as it will help me out so much. Thank you😊😊


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