Truth or Dare

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We sat in the lounge of Zayn's house with a bunch of seniors and a few juniors including Harry, Niall, Jane and I. Louis, Zayn and Liam were seniors but we still hung out. There was a bunch of other people as we all hung around in a circle to play T or D.

"Jane, truth or dare." Louis asks winking at her. She lightly blushed and answered with a truth.

"Okay, are you still a virgin and if not, who did you lose it to?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and pause for a minute.

"No. Im not." That took us all in surprise. Jane was this sweet innocent girl who got perfect grades and had a perfect family. But she was sweet. "I lost my virginity to you Louis, remember."

Everybody gasped as exchanged laughs.

"Right. Jane your turn." Louis said listening carefully.

"Good. Uhh... Y/N Truth or dare."

"Truth." I answered with confidence. Im a chicken, i know.

"Hm. Who was your first kiss?"

I paused and froze in my spot. Crap, now what. I knew I shouldn't have played this game.

"Uhh..." I trailed off. Do I lie? "I-I haven't...had my first kiss."

Everybody turned their heads to me and burst out laughing.

Well then.

I felt extremely uncomfortable with everybody's gaze on me and the loud mocking laughs. I wanted to desperately get out and find another group of people to hang out with.

"Cute." She complimented giving me a side hug. She generally wasn't a mean person.

"Truth or Dare...Louis." I smiled as I thought of a good dare for him. Yes I do say dare. This is Louis we are talking about.


"I dare you to...Uhh-" I looked to his left and to his right. He was seated next to Adam, another senior. He was by far the least attractive guy here. On his left was Niall, who was a Junior in my biology and music class. He was by far one of the cutest guys here. He truly is a pretty picture. "First of all, choose one of the guys on your right or your left."

He turned his head both sides but decided on Zit filled Adam considering he gave him all the answers to his tests.

"Now the dare is, you have to strip down to your boxers only and make out with Adam for a good solid 15 seconds. If you don't, you have to run out of this building completely naked out into the streets and sing twinkle twinkle little star." I smirked. Everyone started laughing and cheered me on.

"You're joking right." Louis scoffed eye balling me.

"Could have chose Niall."

He rolled his eyes as he obeyed, pulling his pants down. Adam had this awkward little smile on his face like he was going to enjoy this. Louis leaned over onto Adam and placed his lips on his, them moving in sync. We immediately started counting and he actually made it to 15. They both pulled away, with a long strand of saliva from their mouths

"Gross. Truly gross Y/N." Louis commented putting his clothes back on. We all laughed at him as we waited for him to take his turn. "Harry Styles. T or D."

"Dare." He said slowly giving me a quick glance. I raised my eyebrow but he shrugged it off.

Louis had this little creepy smile on his face as he thought of a dare.

"This should be an easy one. I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with the girl of your choice. And that means you can't just sit in there, you have to do the proper thing." He smirked as he waited for Harry to choose.

Harry glanced around the room multiple times. The girls had big bright desperate faces on them. Even the seniors wanted him. Sure he was really attractive but get a grip.

"Harry choose me." Phoebe squealed.

"No, choose me Harry!"

"I'm a better kisser!"

The girls all bickered back and fourth until Harry shouted them all to be silent. They all pouted out their lips and I burst out in laughter of how unattractive that looked. I couldn't contain my laughter and everybody was staring at me including Harry with an amused expression on his face.

"Right, I know who I want." He said slowly with his deep laugh.

"Who?" Louis and the girls asked almost ready to pounce on each other.

"I choose Y/N." I started laughing until I realised he chose me. Hell no. No way. It's foul.

"No." I grumbled folding my arms across my chest.

"Please, you're the only girl I would kiss." He pleaded pouting his lip too. I got distracted by his eyes and soon I found myself in the closet with Harry as he shut the door.

"Go!" Everyone shouted as I assume they started the timer.

I looked away from Harry to the other side. There was barely enough space in here for 2 people. I really didn't want to go through with this. That would make things so awkward.


I looked at him. You could just make out his features with the little lighting.

"Why don't you want to kiss me?"

I sighed a little. "I just, Harry you already know I haven't had my first kiss and I guess I'm- I don't know."

"You don't have to be afraid. Besides, we're friends right? I would never do anything to hurt you."

"R-Really?" He nodded his head shyly looking away a bit. "I trust you."

He turned back and looked into my eyes and soon enough he placed his lips on mine. They moved in sync for a while. I could barely process what was happening. He had placed his arms around my waist and i around his neck.

"Guys, it's been 10 minutes already."

We both snapped our heads to the group of people staring at us. Crap.

"Uh..." We both awkwardly said as we let go of each other.

"Let's get back to the game." I coughed standing up along with Harry. Everybody turned around to walk back to the livingroom but Harry grabbed my hand turned me around and placed his lips on mine again.

After a few, we pulled away, with ridiculous smiles on our face.

"Just checking if that was real or just my imagination." He laughed. I laughed too and hung my head low. "How about we ditch that game and go  roam this city eh?"

I thought about it for a bit. Harry and I have been friends but not like yhe type to ever kiss but he's a good guy. "Yeah, I'm in."

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