Assistant 10.3

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I was positive that Sarah had continued talking but my heart was beating so loud I couldn't hear anything in the outside world. I could also tell Harry was looking at me but I couldn't look back at him, I'd feel humiliated.

What was I expecting? That idiot Brock has got to be one of worst guys I've ever met. I still can't believe he would have the nerve to blurt that out in front of Harry; the only guy I've ever liked since high school.

I could feel myself going nauseated and there was nothing more I wanted to do that faint.

"Lexi? Lex can you hear me?" I finally heard. I slowly turned to the voice I had recognised so well. His eyebrows were furrowed and I hadn't even noticed his hand on my forehead. "You don't look to well,"

"She uh...might be feeling a little warm," Sarah lied. She stood to her feet and stepped out of the booth. "I'll take her outside,"

"No it's fine Sarah, I'll take her...Incase something happens." It was still a little fuzzy but I could tell he had stood up and come around my side, using my elbow to help me up.

I looked around the restaurant as a few eyes were on when we were passing. Finally, we made it outside where a big gust of wind almost caught me off my feet but Ofcourse; Harry caught me.

I sat down on the outside waiting table and buried my face in my legs as my vision returned and I stopped feeling nauseated.

He came and sat by me on the bench, placing a hand on my back. It was quiet between the two of us and I wanted nothing more than to erase that moment.

"Lex I-"

"Please don't Ha- Mr Styles..." I mumbled. I felt his other hand on my head, lifting me up to look at him but I avoided any eye contact.

"Don't call me that know I- are you alright? What happened in there?" I sat silently, fiddling with the small pebble that was underneath my shoes. It was a wonder I even managed to walk out here in heels in my state.

"It just got...a little warm." I shivered, rubbing my hands around my arms to radiate some heat.

"You're cold? I have a jacket on my car. Hold on." I watched as he stood up and unlocked the car that was parked in front of us and retrieved a blazer from it. He came around to me and attempted to wrap it around my arms but I pushed him away.

"I don't need it,"

"Stop being stubborn and just wear it," he practically demanded. I finally made eye contact with him in shock in his tone of voice. However, his eyes didn't hold a mean expression. He had something else going on I couldn't read. I sighed and finally wrapped the jacket around me, folding my arms to keep my hands warm.


"Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" He butted in. I turned to look to the side to see him already looking at me. Gosh how perfect did he look at night.

"...N-no I'm not m-"

"Is it what Brock said? That you were in l-"

"Don't repeat that okay? It's not true."

"Oh..." He muttered, dropping his gaze from mine. "So you don't have feelings for"

I couldn't decide whether to lie to him or not. If I told him the truth, he would just laugh at me. If I didn't, he might know I'm lying.

"No." I lied. He nodded his head and turned to look to the side.

"You know something Lexi," he said after a few minutes of silence. "When you first had to stand up and introduce yourself, I was so mesmerised by you. I don't know what it was but ever since then I'd look forward to when you were in my classes."

"Cause i was the only one who answered questions."

"No," he looked at me. "When I asked you to stay behind that day, I actually wanted to...a-ask you o-out. But I chickened out so I changed the subject."

I couldn't even believe what I was hearing. There was no way he was talking about me in the restaurant...was there?

"W-what about the special girl you were telling me about. I t-thought you liked her?" I stuttered, looking down to avoid the small blush of humiliation forming on my cheeks.

"You didn't get it did you? I've been wanting to ask you for so long but every time I saw you my tongue wouldn't form the words I wanted. As creepy and weird as it sounds, you've been the only girl I've thought about since my first day..."

" you're just saying that..."

"Damn it Lexi!" He abruptly stood to his feet, placing his hands into his pockets. "Did you not hear anything I just said. I wish you could see what I see and understand how beautiful you really are. And I wish you...I wish you liked me back but..."

All the things I had wanted to hear were actually coming out of his mouth and now here I was feeling numb in my brain. I couldn't form any words or even move.

"Well if you're not going to say anything then I'm going to leave," he muttered, turning around to face his car.

"W-wait!" I called out, finally having the ability to stand up and walk towards him. He turned around and looked at me, biting his lip like he always did. "I do like you too, I was just...I was scared you wouldn't like me back that's why I said no. You have got no idea how much I really like you."

His eyes seemed to light up more than they already were and seeing that gorgeous smile on his face made it all worthwhile.

"Well," he smiled, taking a step closer towards me. He Brought his hands to both sides of face and stroked my cheekbones with his thumb. "Somebody has to make the first move right?" He whispered, finally bringing his lips towards mine. He practically grazed over mine and I was getting anxious so instead, I was the one to place my lips onto his.

To say that this was the biggest relief I had received in a long time would be an understatement. And to think I, little old me actually got a chance with him.

And I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Not exactly what I had in mind for the ending but I couldn't remember what I had planned. Really sorry Lexi! 😁😂

I hope you liked it nonetheless an sorry it took so long. Jeez Michelle.


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