Crazier Than I Thought

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The plane lands after a trip for what seemed like forever. One last big stretch before I leave and grab my things. But as I stand up and stretch my arms when things get dizzy and I almost pass out when Rafe comes along and steadies me. He knows about how I get dizzy sometimes. But I wasn't ever expecting him to help. "Thank Ralph," I look back and smile. "Yeah well I didn't wanna deal with having to carry you off here," he smirks and walks out in front cutting me off. Rude

The same man that carried out bags takes them out to the building. I thank him and we repeat the same exchange as earlier.

Wow. I haven't been to the Nassau house in years and forget how pretty it was. Marble floors, glazed perfectly and all shiny. Pillars holding the house steady. Glass doors, and a breathtaking view. The kind you could spend all day looking at. The most gorgeous infinity pool looking off to the same view.

Everyone walks to the room they are sleeping in. Since we decided not to stay at a hotel and the house instead I get a room. I just have to share it with Sarah. My eyes find the clock as I set my bags down and get situated.
11:36 pm
It's later than I thought. Quickly I find my way to thank Ward and Rose for the trip, and tell my mom goodnight. As I open Deans door he is fast asleep already. Still on football practice time I assume.

The house is so big and the doors get mixed up since they all look the same in the same hallways but I'm sure I'll get around just fine.
1:47 am

It's been almost an hour since we decided to go to sleep and I can't concentrate on even trying to go to sleep. Sarah always get her nose all clogged up during plane rides and now she's snoring louder than Jackson. Ugh. I'll go sleep with Dean and make him sleep on the floor. Quickly I grab my phone and charger and head to his room, but he is fast asleep and won't wake up. Ugh. This won't work.

My mind immediately goes to Rafe. I don't mind waking him up or the thought of him sleeping on the floor. My fist knocks as quietly as possible three times before I walk in. Damn it. He's showering. He surely won't mind me sleeping on the bed, and really what choice will he have once I am already asleep?

I rub my eyes open and look at the electric clock 2:00 am Damn it. It's still dark in the room, and no Rafe. But also no shower. Until I realize he just got out. He opens the bathroom door, steam poring out. I almost need to cough but hold it in.

Has he been working out since the last time I saw him shirtless? Because I definitely don't remember that many muscles. The way his hair looks all wet and dripping onto his face. He almost looks attractive.

Eventually he turns on the lights and drops his towel. He doesn't even see me! Thankfully his back is turned and I can only see his butt. Call me immature but I can't hold it in. Accidentally I let out a laugh. I can see the panic in his eyes as he switches on the lights and sees me. Within seconds he reaches for shorts and I gladly cover my eyes while he does so.

"What the hell are you doing Brit?" he demands. I see he is making this Brit thing a habit as I am Ralph. "Can I open my eyes?" I giggle. After a few seconds of silence I do anyways, and he is covered. Well he has shorts on, and I almost wish he had a shirt on because I can't help but stare at his abs.

He laughs when he notices but I quickly change the subject. "Sarah was snoring and I came in and you were in the shower and I was gonna ask to sleep in here then I fell asleep, and then I woke up and here we are," I stammer out. He laughs again. "You are ridiculous," he smirks.
"Clearly, but can I sleep in here?" I question

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