Mom, I Swear

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I step up into Rafe's truck. The smooth leather rubbing against my thighs, as Rafe rolls down the windows; letting in the cool, Florida hair. My blond hair throws itself in my face. The scorching sun, covering my face and making the car just so much brighter.

I look over and see Rafe, the sun shining and shadowing him perfectly. Sculpting him just like something of a Greek god. His dirty blond hair, being slashed around in the wind. Eyes focused on the road as his hands gripped the steering wheel. The golf ring on his hand flaunting itself and sending a beam of lighting as he moved his wrists with the road.

"Where could possibly be dragging me off to" I groan, and shut my eyes as my headache continues to rage. "Anywhere but your house? No chance you're mom would let you live if she caught you hungover," he tells me matter of factly.

"Please I can hide hangovers better than you," I hiss back at him, I flash him with a deep glare before returning to my view of the passing, concrete road as we swiftly turn into a highway.

"I don't drink Britney, alcohol is shit for you," he scoffs and rolls his eyes, as if he isn't a raging drug addict?

"Because liquor is so much worse the coke you shove up your nose like your starved," his long hands grip the steering and wheel, and his jaw clenches. His eyes stare off into the road and an earth shattering silence ensue for the most part of the ride.


His truck slowly pulls into an old burger joint, as the car lights go off and the doors follow by unlocking in sync. The dirty blond boy steps his sneakers into the ground, and he fast walks over to my side and swings the door open like he's been patiently waiting for years.

"Get out," he huffs.

"Why?" I question him, a look of defense on my face.

"God Brit, just let me do something sort of nice? For once. Or do you wanna go back home with your under eye bags, and pounding headache, or maybe throw up a little in your moms purse. Where the hell does it look like we are?" Rafe raises his voice as his shoulders drop and he lets out a breath, obviously trying to calm down before he drags me into this restaurant, even though their is only a singular silver volkswagen parked towards the back. Probably the waitresses.

With anger I jump out of the car, and follow behind Rafe like I'm his puppy dog or something. Immediately recognizing this I take big strides to get even with him as we walk, and he doesn't seem to mind to much, or even notice.

The glass door rings a cute bell as we enter the joint. The room has red and white checkered tile, a juke box, and is submerged in an oldies theme diner. I lean into Rafe and whisper into his ear, "This place is adorable, how'd you know about it?" I ask Rafe, shock and curiosity in my eyes as they glaze over the coffee pot, and donuts, and fries in the fryer. The crisp smell of a cookout rushes through me as we find a booth near the window, leaking light onto our setting more than any other seat.

"Mom used to take me here when I was little," he smiles and wanders off mentally and gazes outside, almost like he's looking for her. Rafe has NEVER mentioned his mother, and anyone with half a brain wouldn't either. Sarah and I have had discussions but I am still not really sure what happened to their mom, she was gone before we started hangout out when we were in kindergarten. So she's been gone a while but I would never push to find out anything more than the bare minimum information I have gathered.

His smile fades, and the personality behind his eyes goes black, like he doesn't even know what we were talking about. Weird. Suddenly a waitress approached us, her heels clanking the tile announcing her arrival. "How are y'all doing this afternoon?" the redhead waitress smiles a big toothy grin, chewing gum while she stares.

"Oh just fine, just fine," Rafe responds to the lady who's name tag reads 'Caroline'. The name suits her. Bright red, curly hair like a sunset wrapping around the ocean before a big wave comes in. Her eyes, hazelnut brown like you could tell her all your secrets and she would never tell a soul. A comforting woman, and immediately whatever unease I had seconds before is vanished.

"How are you?" I grin back.

"Well just fantastic darling," she smiles somehow even bigger than before. Woah. Her pearly whites are damaging my corneas as we make eye contact.

"Now what can I get y'all two to drink?" she asks us.

"Water," Rafe quickly responds. "Same here," I answer.

"Any ideas what you want to eat?" she continues her smile, like it could be paining her but I can tell it's not.

"Burger and fries, and a side of ketchup," he smiles, obviously a superficial smile at that, but still a hint of kindness if the act.

"Same here," I giggle and hand her our menus.

"Alrighty well I will leave you two together and go get that started for you huh?" She smiles her famous smile once again before turning, her heels clinking away.

UNBREAKABLE [rafe cameron x female OC]Where stories live. Discover now