// chapter one //

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Fraser pov

Blood thirst.

That's what I was experiencing, along with my mate Jasper. We met many years ago when I was still with my father or stepfather.

Aro Volturi. He wasn't that bad if you got to know him. When he found me almost dead on the field where I had just fought-what was now known as the Battle of Collodon.

Aro changed me, then took me Italy, where I lived with him and the Volturi guards. They became my family.

Caius and Marcus were my uncles. Caius was a lot closer to me since he was a warrior in his human life. He sat with me through my flashbacks that I would sometimes get.

Back then, no one knew what it was called, then World War 1 came and went, and people called it shell shock, I think at least.

Then, after World War 2, they called it post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD. Caius told my father to get a doctor in after that and discovered that's what I've been suffering with.

That caused Aro to watch me more, almost like he thought he had to watch my every step. But I never complained.

Jane and Alec were my partners in crime. They helped me cause trouble around the castle. But one night, we discovered something that would scar me forever.

I had been sitting in the library when I started zone out. My eyes went blurry, and I started to hear shouting. But it wasn't in our everyday Italian. It was in Gaelic.

As far as I had heard, I was the only one who could the language, so I didn't know where it was coming from. But then I heard loud bangs and screaming. I could hear blood splatter against the ground.

I was back on the battlefield, my red kilt dark brown with dirt and dried blood, a sword in my hand dripping with blood. But then I heard it an ear piercing scream.

I didn't know where it was coming from at first, but I felt someone shaking me.

"Stop, Fraser!" I heard them shout before I jumped forward. My hand shot out towards their neck, and I squeezed, not knowing what I was doing.

Till I heard cracking and all my senses came back to me. It was Aro, my father.

After that day, when he explained what I had with my screaming, I stopped talking. I was too afraid that that would happen again.

Aro would read my mind when I gave my hand. That's how I would communicate.

That is how he found I wanted to travel so he told me I must check in every month with at least one letter and then once a year I must come to Italy to visit. I agreed.

That's how I met Jasper in 1960 when I was having another flashback, and he felt the anxiety rolling off me. He came and sat with me through it, and that's when we found out we were mates.

He told about his family and their diet, and that's how I've landed here. Sitting in Forks Washington High School with blood thirst.

Edward was my source of communication to the family. I only spoke to Jasper when we were alone because I knew my "gift" would not hurt him.

Our relationship wasn't accepted before the 2000s. With vampires, they didn't care because it was the mating bond, but with humans, it was different. I'd catch them staring at us when we held hands or kissed.

But we learned to ignore it.



"Darling?" I heard Jasper's slight southern accent call for me.

I looked up from my book with a raised eyebrow in question.

"Carlisle called for a family meeting. We must go downstairs."

I nodded at him. He took my hand and gave me a quick kiss on the lips as reassurance before he pulled me downstairs.

Carlisle was at the head of our dining table with Esme to his right, Rose and Emmet to his left. Edward next to Esme and Alice next to Emmet. This seemed to be different sides, different teams.

"Edward wants to leave for a few days." He got straight to the point. "He wanted to know your thoughts on it."

I didn't mind, I just wanted to know why. He had read my mind.

"The new girl at school. Her blood makes that I can't control myself."
I gave one nod before I turned on my heel and went back to mine and Jasper's room.

Since Carlisle was a doctor, he understood why I would rather like to be in my room than around people, so he never saw it as being rude.

The others except jasper understood. They sometimes took offense to it. Edward explained to them what had happened when I gave permission to read my mind. But still, some like Rose took offense.


Jasper came up a little while later and immediately pulled me to sit on his lap on the bed.

"Everyone has left. We're alone." He squeezed my thigh. "You can talk."

"I love you." That was always the first thing to come out of my mouth.

I felt bad because he would always say it to me, but I'd never return it.

"I love you too, darling." He kissed my neck just above my collar bone. My weakness.

A soft moan left my lips. He kept kissing and sucking on it, I felt my pants get slightly tighter around my hips.

"Hmm, let it out." He loved to do this to me. Just to hear my voice, he would always say.

He kept kissing while I tried unbuttoning his shirt. Then his pants and finally he was naked. He used his vampire speed to take off my clothes.

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