// chapter three //

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Fraser pov

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Fraser pov

Edward came back from staying with Carlisle's cousins. The family was happy to get him back. I was more happy that he could translate what I was thinking or wanting to say to everyone.

Monday morning when we pulled up at school Bella's eyes had immediately found Edward.


Jasper and I stayed near each other, I was on edge thanks to the situation that happened with Bella.

Jasper didn't mind staying with me, he knew it made me feel less uncomfortable with the humans.

"Darling, what's on your mind?"

I looked up to face him. "Nothing, it's fine."

"Don't lie to me." He took my chin in his hand, making me look at him. "Tell me darling."

I loved it when he got a little rough, don't ask me why though. It just did something to me.

"That thing with..." I looked around to check if Edward was near. "... Bella."

"Don't worry, I'm here its okay." He gave me a reassuring smile.



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At lunch Edward told us he spoke to Bella. I was happy for him but Bella still made me very uncomfortable.

She would now look at Edward all the time. I kept my head down the whole day because I didn't want to look her in the eyes.

I've been thinking about going to Volterra just to visit my father and the others. I haven't seen them in a while and I truly missed them.

I wondered if Jasper would want O come with because the last time I went my father and uncles wanted to meet him but he was afraid. Apparently he didn't want to disappoint my father and uncles and since they're literally the kings he felt worse.

When I would phone them, they would always say they wanted to meet him and they wouldn't be all tough but he wouldn't agree.

That's why this time I would persuade him in coming this time. Alec and Jane would finally get off my back about wanting to see my mate. Apparently they wanted to give him the 'talk'.

What that was I wouldn't know.

"darling?" Jasper called from next to me.

"would you come with me to meet my father?" I shot at him. "please"

"the kings?" I nodded in reply. "uhm, sure."

He sounded unsure of himself. At least he said he would come with me. I would just have to get him to be more sure of himself.

"I'll ask Carlisle if he could tell the school we're sick and we could leave for just a week."


A few of the humans around us looked to towards our table to see my lips moving. They obviously couldn't hear our conversation but now they'd know I could talk and would try to have a conversation with me.

I hope not.



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"my son." Aro Volturi, my father walked down from the dais that their thrones sat upon with his arms wide open.

I walked into his arms happy to be hugged be him. Aro was cold and sadistic to everyone else but to me he was the father I always wanted in my human life.

I knew he could read my thoughts but hey that how we communicated. My uncles were sitting on their thrones staring behind me.

Oh they've never met him, they've heard of him bit never met him.

"father, this is Jasper Whitlock, my mate." I told my father through his telepathy.

"this is the mate, you've been messaging us about".

I nodded.

"hello sir, I'm Jasper Whitlock." He was nervous, he's usually rigid straight but now he was slightly slouched not completely but as a vampire you could see it.

"good to meet you Jasper." He stuck his hand out to shake Jasper's hand. Jasper shook it hesitantly.

"Fraser you and Jasper will share  your room." Aro told me. "you still remember where it is?"

I nodded.

"well then off you go, I'll send someone to call you for dinner."

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