\\ Chapter 18 \\

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Alice stared at Jasper. "What has become of you, Jasper....both of you." She said bewildered. "You've become monsters."

Fraser laughed at her. "No, Alice, we haven't. We are just being true to ourselves."

Bella stared at the two kings sitting in front of her. Completely different beings from what she last saw. She'd always thought that vampires were not 6 now that she stood in front of true vampires. She, for the first time, saw them for what they truly were.


At that thought, Fraser's eyes snapped to hers. Almost as if he'd heard what she had thought. He smirked at Bella when she locked eyes with him.

"But let's get to the point." Fraser gives a sickeningly sweet smile. "You almost exposed as to the humans."

"The laws say that's a death sentence." Jasper finished.

"It doesn't have to end that way, Fraser. Let us go free. No human saw him." Alice said, walking forward.

Fraser laughed. "Alice, Alice, Alice. That's not the problem." He shook his head. "Bella is human. She knows of our kind that i -"

"I'm his mate!" Bella shouted.

Fraser's face dropped, his eyes gone dead. "Don't interrupt me, you'll regret."

Edward growled at his threat, "Alice, get your family under control, please."

"You broke the law, Edward. In fact, your whole family did." Jasper said. "Death is normally the punishment, but.... if you change Bella, you'll live."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not changing her." He looked at the king. "Fraser, please. Let her go she has a life to live, and she doesn't deserve to become a soulless monster."

"Soulless?" Fraser and Jasper both laughed.

"But since that's your choice. Felix. His all yours." Fraser told the guard standing at the back.

Felix's eyes glazed over as he looked at his next victim. Flashing over to Edward, he grabbed his neck, pulling over his shoulder and onto the ground. The two vampires fighting were all blurs as they moved around the room.

Finally, Felix had Edwards neck in between his hands, ready for Jasper to pull it off when a shriek was heard.

"Stop, stop, please." Bella looked to be falling in on herself. "Kill me, kill me, not him."

"You're willing to sacrifice yourself for a 'soulless monter'." Fraser smiled using Edward's words against him.

"You don't know anything about his soul."

Fraser and Jasper looked at each other and started wickedly laughing. After calming down, Fraser stood up, walking over to where Edward and Felix stood.

He gripped Edward's head, looking directly into his eyes. "Listen to me, brother." He spat. "You have till July to change her, or I'll come do it myself."

His eyes were glazed when Felix let him go and Edward walked towards the two women.

"You have four months. Change her, or I will."

Before they walked, Jasper added. "Remember, the Volturi gave second chances, we don't."

Hey guys, so weird question.

But do you guys want smut or no. Tell me in the comments, please.

Side note, I don't know how to write smut.

👍 - for yes
👎 - for no

Quiet (Jasper Whitlock) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora