// Chapter Two //

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Fraser pov

It's been about a week since Edward left. Bella stared at our table everyday. She'd sit with her friends at lunch and stare.

I could only imagine what she was thinking. It got quite annoying Rosalie would glare at her but she was consistent when it came to her staring.

Wednesday is when I realized I had history with her.

That was difficult.

She'd turn around to stare at me. I sat at the back so less attention would be on me but she was relentless.

Friday she tried to speak to me. I obviously tried to ignore her, it might look rude but it was for their own safety.

She pulled my arm, trying to get my attention. "Hey, do you know where Edward is?"

I tried to pull my arm out of her grip, it was making me really uncomfortable. I could feel the stares of the other students on us.

"Tell me!" She sneered at me. I could feel a need to screen climbing up my throat.


Not here.

Not now.

Where's Jasper he is normally waiting outside our class, he walks with me to lunch. Or his normally next door in AP history. Where is he?

I pulled my arm again harder using some of my vampire strength but no she kept her grip.

"please let... go." I kept my voice soft, almost a whisper. The scream in my throat was burning to release itself.

"oh so he can talk." She said teasingly.

That scream was there on the tip of my tongue, ready spring at the humans around me. To tear this town to nothing.

"what do you think you're doing?" I thanked whatever God still thought there was good in me. Jasper had appeared.

"I was just talking to him." She was trembling under the glare of Jasper.

My saviour.

"well, if you haven't heard he doesn't talk, now leave my boyfriend alone."

He pulled her fingers off my arm and wrapped his arm around me. He walked quickly out of the class and towards the cafeteria.

"jasper." I had to get his attention. I still needed to scream. I knew I couldn't do it here maybe I could get  to a lake or the beach and let it out under water.

When he heard my voice his head snapped in my direction. "what's wrong?"

I pointed to throat. He would know what was going on. "take me to our side of the beach."

Once we got outside of the school building we walk in to the forest before we ran. We ran through the trees in to bushes as fast as we could.

As got to the beach I pulled off my shoes and just jumped. I jumped into the ice cold water and swam further and further away from the shore.

Once I thought I was far enough I screamed.



I walked out of the water towards where Jasper was sitting and laid my head on his lap. After screaming I was always exhausted, like it took a little energy from me.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner." He kissed my forehead.

"it's okay but I need to change." My voice sounded scruffy but that was to be expected after my screaming.

"Yes, we can go to the house, I think Esme is at home."

We ran to the house so I could could get dressed. Jasper explained to Esme what we were doing at home. She gave me a kind smile as we left.

When we go to school it was already the 5 period of the day. One more hour then we could leave. I luckily had Jasper with me in both those periods, he could watch me.

I didn't trust myself alone right now. My throat was burning, burning for something it couldn't get. Something that Carlisle had forbidden in our coven.


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