Bonus Story - [A Tyrants Obsession]

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Ryueen Kakeru POV

Aight' Where the hell do I start?

The Island Exam ended for a while now yet I still can't figure out who the actual fck ruined ma plan

"Kukuku this is gonna be fun!"

"What are you laughing at? Can you just explain what happened" Ibuki who was staying quiet until now finnaly did her daily complaining

Me, Albert and Ibuki was currently meeting up to "discuss" the sorcery that happened last exam.

"Cool it. 'Am still thinkin"

"Tch" She clicked her tongue getting irritated by the second. While Albert...


....aigth, professional bodyguard at its finest

Goin back to the problem. Let's list it off one by one shall we.

First things first. My plan that guaranteed victory went down the drain.

Making a deal with Class A was my priority but I ain't sitting still when you tell me that living on that fcking island like a darn cave man for a week will result to absolute nothing.

Like what the actual fck?! 0 points? My grand entrance when the result we're gonna get announced was ruined

And the thing's that's more bullshit is that Class Fcking D won first place! Kukukukahahaha! what the Hell is Happening!

Does that mean that it was someone from Class D that threw the monkey wrench on my plans? That's the answer with the most probability

We can obviously cross out Class A since they were my partners in crime for this one.

But Class B? Kukuku... Lets see. Base on the information I got from my Spy: Class B has been on the Defensive since the beginning.

Now that's absolutely believable. But based on the points they got. They should have atleast guessed a leader or two.

'les my spy was lying, my calculations tell me that they should have gotten less points at the end if they stayed on the Defensive.

Tch. A lot of missing information. There was also the fact that my aforementioned spy "suddenly lost consciousness" that night

But ain't no point thinkin about that since it isn't that important.

With no answers after thinking about Class B let's go to the long awaited fuckery called Class D. There's a lot of thing-

"Done thinking ye-"



"Thank you"

Moving on.... There's a lot of things regarding Class D that bothers me but the most is the fact that Suzune - after getting K.O'd that night suddenly disappeared.

There's always the possibility that she just got up and returned but I'd like to think that someone took her

Besides.... She was out cold when I Checked, so suddenly waking up after a few seconds wasn't likely to happen.

Now that's a theory worth betting on.

I could feel the corner of my lips curl into a grin, finnally making progress on the thing.

Moving on - the Fire's the next problem here. If someone really did take Suzune, he/she or they, would also probably be responsible for that stunt.

Now for some reason... A lot of students... And teachers believe it to be a natural accident that happened after the thunderstorm occured afterward.

The school said that they're still investigating the aftermath in order to find a cause but base on Sensei's answer last time I asked, then they didn't find any...

And obviously they can't just suspect people suddenly. Even if they say that a 'student' caused the fire. That wouldn't narrow it down in the slightest.

So in the end, they tend to believe that it was a natural disaster in the end.

Now If I wasn't awake that time, I would also slightly believe that as a possibility.

But since I was fcking infront of that Exploooosion! Then that theory is bullshit.

I can't tell the school since I don't have proof tho - not that I'll tell them in the first place Kukuku..

"'aight I still can't figure out what the hell happened but I atleast narrowed it down to the most obvious answer: There's someone in Class D Working behind the Shadows "

I started to narrate the obvious to the two... Well mostly Ibuki only since Albert....



"I.... Guess that was kinda obvious but who?" Ibuki asked me. Irritation still visible on her face

"That's the best part! 'cause I don't fcking know! Kukuku...." I laughed mockingly leaving Ibuki dumbfounded

"Wha- ?! Then what did you call me here for?!" With a vein bulging on her forehead. She lashed at me

"Chill it. We're gonna find that mystery person ofcours. For now let's just call him or her or even they X" I stated the overall plan

Ibuki put on a more serious expression. I won't mention Albert anymore....

"Here's the overall information I concluded regarding this mysterious person/s" I continued "First of all X was the one who most likely took Suzune - Remember that time Ibuki?"

I asked her making sure she understands. She nodded with a hint of Frustration recalling the event

"Now based on what you guys ( spies ) said, both the Classes mostly focused on the Defensive. Meaning that X here is working in the shadows - to the point that even X's classmates are not involved"

"That's obvious. So what are we gonna do?" Ibuki asked

"For now let's Lay low while figuring out who's this X person is. Suzune's gonna be our main target since she most likely have an idea who it is"

While I don't think Suzune herself knows everything. Even a little bit of info would do.

Kukuku.... Looks like there's jewel among the trashes after all. I underestimated that Class.

I started to instruct Ibuki and tell her relay it to the others what she learned here.

Kuku... Whoever you are. I'll be sure to find you. And then I'll destroy you to return the favor of what you did to me this time....

Now. Let the Hunt Begin.

So I advanced the X arc. So what?
Well I need to improvise since my OC is crying in the corner right now since she still can't have a part in the story

( to be honest I don't even know what I'm gonna name her so if you have suggestions then I'm up for it )

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