Chapter 33 - [Confrontation]

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Ryuuen Kakeru POV

"Hahaha-! I won again, Ryuuen-san! It's just as you said"

"Kukuku... Of course. Right now, Class D should have already realized that something was wrong. If they still didn't. Then they deserve this"

I leisurely sat, overlooking the the vast sea of students doing their own thing in the field

Ishizaki's event should be the last for the morning. So Lunch break would be starting anytime now

"We might actually have a chance in this!" Ishizaki shouted excitedly

"Don't get your hopes up. Remember, that isn't our goal"

Thanks to a little someone's help, we... Rather, I managed to get a hand of Class D's roster.

Obviously, I didn't trust her at first. Only a dumb-fuck would trust someone coming to you out of nowhere.

But since I didn't care in the slightest about this Sports Festival thing. I accepted it.

And would you look at that...

Everything that was written in that piece of paper had been helping these naive idiots in winning some points.

"Are you sure Ryuuen?" A girl with blue hair suddenly popped out of nowhere


"Like Ishizaki said, we might actually win this Sports Festival, and you're not taking it seriously?" I saw her gritting her teeth in mild frustration, but I just shrugged it off

"If we win, then that's good. But this sports festival is only one piece in the plan to look for that mysterious X, we've been brainstorming on who, until now"

This Sports Festival just isn't interesting when someone much more fun to play with is Hiding in this sea of students

"That X whatsoever again? The one that so called foiled your plan during summer vacation? Are you even sure he exist?"

"Oh X exist Ibuki. There's no way he doesn't" a grin emerged on my face.

Everything happening till now have been part of my plan to smoke you out. I am curios on how you'll move

"He's just scared, given on how he keeps hiding and Using that Suzune as a cover."

"...sure" Ibuki rolled her eyes, seemingly disgusted about my obsession

At this, I just laughed

"You guys just don't get it" I shook my head as I stood up

"Everything's seems to be going fine, but that's only at face value. Deep within, there's a cancer posing danger to our class, and you just ignore it? Stupid" I scoffed

"Similar to reality, the best way to deal with that cancer is to remove it early.

Cut it off, so it doesn't spread"

° ° °

Soon enough we were permitted to have lunch. Everyone went their own way on where to eat

I would've done the same, but this is the perfect time to strike. Unexpectedly that is.

Buying an energy bar at the nearby vending machine, I walked leisurely to the school's infirmary. Where, a classmate of mine painfully lies

Opening the door, I was met with what you would usually see in this kind of place.

Paying the nurse no mind. I strode to the bed where, surprise surprise, Kinoshita was laying down "peacefully"

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