Bonus Story - [A Highschoolers' Heart]

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Matsushita Chiaki POV





As if everyone went mute for a couple of seconds, the previously lively Sports Festival was deadly still

No one cheered

No one cried out in frustration

Not even the wind blew

That's how silent it was after one strange event after another

"W-What was that...?"

A classmate of mine bravely asked the question everyone had

Breaking the ice, one after another posed a question of their own. The previously silent field, echoing with shock and surprise

No one really paid attention to the other competitors, not even to the previously winning Year 2 Class A

Everyone's undivided attention only fell to a certain brown haired boy

Casually wiping his forehead as he basked in orange hue radiated by the setting sun.

Standing, relaxed as if he didn't just break all of common sense



Cheers bellowed

Surprise grew

Even those who wasn't in our Class cheered for the spectacle the brown haired boy displayed.

Of course, that brown haired boy being;

"Kiyotaka-kun...?" The name escaped my slowly smiling lips

That boy who didn't want attention did this?

Stealing the first place who we — our Class — had the lowest possibility of acquiring?

It's no wonder that I was dumbfounded and silent for so long

I am beyond shocked. Especially since I know Kiyotaka-kun quite well.

But what was that?


In the end, all I could do was smile. A smile that contained a little bit of smugness as my fellow classmates rushed to the returning boy

"You're really making it hard for me to not like you..."

I murmured in a way only I could hear

Smugly looking at the scene where my Classmates asked all sorts of questions, I was at peace at the fact that they finally knew. That yes, he's amazing isn't he?

Well, at least for a short moment of time

"Uhmm... Matsushita-san?"

I looked to my side only to see a slightly red Satou-san

"Yes? What is it Satou-san?"

"Uhmm.. I just wanted to ask a question"

Finding her behavior strange, I took the scenario a bit more seriously

"Go on...?"

Only to be left utterly speechless at the words she said

"You're close to Ayanokouji-kun right? Does he have a girlfriend?"




W-Wait wait wait

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