Chapter 29 - [Thereafter the Cold]

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Look who had the face to come back...

Now, I haven't uploaded in what? Six Months? So I'm obviously really really rusty.

Especially if you see any grammatical errors and Incorrect spellings. Don't mind them. I don't usually double check a chapter after I wrote it.

Anyway, if you're still going to read this but forgot what happened so far (like me), then I Suggest;

Chapter 18 - [Trouble on the Horizon]

As the chaptes to reread or skim through from then onwards.

Now if you didn't forgot...

Well, Enjoy I guess

° ° °

Chabashira Sei POV

I have always been someone who couldn't move on from the past as easily as one might think

It lingers — whispers day and night.

That is why it doesn't take long until
I can't ignore it anymore. Feeling overwhelmed, I try to correct them. Even Though, it is long, long gone...

I know it isn't exactly something advisable to anyone, really. But I go out my way to reassure myself of the problems that devours me

That's why when that long awaited triumph was utterly ruined by the person that wanted it more than anybody else...... Me....

I knew that there would come a time when I try to correct it despite the odds against me.

It was a Hard Task but far from impossible.


It looked like Fate that time, was on my shameless side.

Years awaited me when I became the Homeroom teacher of the accursed Class D. Years, was how long it took for the long awaited piece to arrive.

I still Vividly Remember the day Chairman Sakayanagi ask for me to talk about a rather "important" topic.

Saying that there will be a Student he knows, getting Enrolled in my Class.

A rather special one actually.

I was skeptical at first, as anyone should be 

After all, why would a Student such as that be placed in Class D?.... Unless there's something wrong with him

it...... wasn't long until I came to know the reason why.

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka.

At first, he seemed like the pebble you would find on the side of the road. A person like anybody else.

But circumstances would arrive when that thought process was slapped back to me.

First was His Scores.

His Behavior behind the Class.

The way he somehow leads everyone and everything to his scheme.

And most of all,

The way He Hides this blatant Fact.

Nothing about him was like "any other" at all.

But it didn't matter.

After all,

he was just the type of person I needed

I gambled on that thought one night on the Ship on its way to an unhabitabited Island for an Exam.

I called for him in the middle of the night to Practically Threaten him to follow my bidding — Using a Vague Personal Information I got from the Chairman itself.

The Genius Within The Shadows |Classroom Of The Elite Fanfiction|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant