Chapter 11 - Explosions

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Chapter 11 - Explosions

The next morning, I woke up slightly frazzled as I momentarily forgot I'd spent the night at Jasper's. Looking around, I realised he was gone but he'd left a note on the pillow next to mine.

I hope you were well rested last night (I for one couldn't get enough of those legs). You are not to be coming into work today, you need to rest - my orders. If you need anything, ask Martha or ring me.

I shall see you this afternoon.


Rolling my eyes, I glanced at the clock and saw that it was eleven-thirty, he was due back in an hour!

Goddammit, I've never slept in like this, I feel so disorganized.

I made my way to the bathroom and grabbed a new toothbrush from the cabinet beside the huge bath.

After freshening up, I went back into the guest room and found that a pink summer dress was left on the chair beside the window. Smiling to myself, I slipped it on before applying only a small amount of make-up as I wanted to keep it looking as natural as possible.

Doing my hair up in a chignon bun, I stepped into my heels and went downstairs.

"Good morning, Miss Valentina!" Martha, Jasper's housekeeper greeted cheerily.

"Martha! My name is Scarlett!" I scolded her jokingly as we embraced in a hug. "How was Greece?"

"Oh, it was wonderful dear! Alfred and I had such a lovely time!"

Martha had been on holiday for a few months with her husband to visit their son Alex and his family.

As far as my understanding was, Jasper's parents had hired Martha while he was still in college, and given the number of trips he had to take, she was perfect to keep things running smoothly.

"I wanted to return as soon as I'd heard the news of Jasper in Paris but he kept telling me I should wait! But Scarlett, you've done an excellent job of looking after him," she winked, giggling slightly.

"He is my boss, Martha," I said flatly.

"Scarlett, never have I seen him so concerned for a woman like he is for you, nor have I seen him listen to others like he does to you!"

"Martha, he's like that with all women, not just myself," I laughed as I heard the gate open outside. "You don't see that side of him as often as I do."

"Jasper's back!" Martha sang in a high-pitched tone as I heard him park his Rolls Royce outside the porch before the front door opened.

"Good afternoon, ladies," his sexy voice called out as he walked in before turning to me, his eyes exploring my entire body. "How are you?"

"I'm fine thank you, you?"

Martha looked a little confused as she didn't know what was with the awkward questioning.

"I'm great, thanks. I hope you slept well... I know I did," he winked before engulfing Martha in a hug.

"Jasper, how about you take Scarlett out to lunch, the poor girl hasn't had a bite to eat!"

"No, it's fine," I glared at Martha who grinned innocently at me.

"You make it sound like it's my fault, Martha! I'll be waiting outside, Miss Valentina," he smiled at me, walking out.

"Martha, I hate you!" I snapped once Jasper was out of earshot. "What were you thinking?"

"You'll soon see, my dear. Now, run along!" She shooed me away from the dining hall and out the front door where Jasper was waiting in the car. With one last glare directed at Martha, I slid into the passenger seat and fastened my belt.

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