Chapter 26 - Pack Up Your Troubles

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Chapter 26 - Pack Up Your Troubles

Scarlett's POV

As soon as Jasper had left, I quickly grabbed my phone and proceeded to call the number, 'Marcus' - the kidnapper from Italy - had left me.

"Hello, sweetheart," his rough voice greeted coldly.

"Marcus." I responded in a clipped tone. "Did you receive the money yesterday?"

"Oh, yes. The Boss was very pleased."

I sighed in relief. "Look, now that I've done this, will you please leave my boyfriend and I alone?"

"What?" He laughed wildly as my brows furrowed in confusion. "Sweetheart, that wasn't even the beginning of what's in store for you!"

"What?" I whispered, my heart sinking. "What have I ever done to you? Why are you doing this?"

"I'm only following orders, ma'am," he stated simply. "My boss gives me orders, I comply."

"Who is your boss?" I questioned running my fingers through my hair.

"You'll see one day," he chuckled darkly.

"Please, Marcus, don't do this," I begged, my eyes stinging from the tears I was desperately holding back.

"Aw, listen to you, you cutie," he mocked as if speaking to an infant. "There is no way out for your boyfriend, Scarlett. Well... There is one way, I suppose."

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah. You'd have to give yourself up to the Boss," he said casually.

"Does that mean Jasper would be left alone?"

"Pretty much, considering he isn't worth shít without you. You see, the Boss is only after your blood. Your little boyfriend is only supposed to be collateral damage, whether he lives or dies is in your hands. You're the one who's wanted." He explained, his tone a little bored.

"But, if that's the case, then why not just kidnap me from the start and take me to this Boss?" I questioned confusedly.

"You really are quite thick, aren't you?" He asked seriously. "Boss knows it as well as I what your weakness is and intends to make that weakness your demise. Doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process, you're the one who's never going to make it out alive."

My weakness. My weakness was Jasper.

"I-I want to meet your boss," I told him as he burst out laughing.

"Meet the Boss?" He questioned incredulously. "You don't just decide you want meet the Boss, the Boss will come to you. And when that happens, you'd better hope to whoever's up there, you're ready."

"I don't-"

The line suddenly went dead before I had the chance to ask any more questions.

What the hell was I going to do?

There was only one thing I could do, I thought determinedly.

Hey, Melissa, I won't be able to make it this evening but I'll hopefully see you when I can. Take care of yourself and baby. I love you.


My thumb hovered above the 'send' key as I wondered whether or not I should send the message to my best friend.

If I left to go and live with her, that would only make her and the baby targets of Marcus' sick, twisted Boss and I couldn't bear the thought of having my best friend's and her unborn child's blood on my hands.
Letting out a deep sigh, I pressed 'send' and waited for her reply.

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