Chapter 12 - Case Closed

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Chapter 12 - Case Closed

Jasper's POV

"You're telling me you got to lock lips with that sexy secretary of yours but you didn't even have sex?" Lucas asked wide eyed, sitting beside me as I drove to work the next morning.

"Luke!" I growled irritably. "For the last time, I have no intention of sleeping with her!"

At least, not yet.

"Whatever you say, Jay! You are so whipped, my man," he teased me further.

"I thought kissing her would be satisfying enough but I want more," I sighed.

"Well, go and get more then!"

"Easier said than done." I muttered recalling the feel of her slender fingers slipping through my hair, her soft lips colliding with mine so passionately.

It was clear as day that I had feelings for her, but did she have any feelings for me?

Yes, she kissed me, but she looked absolutely disgusted with herself as she threw me out.

"Like I said - whipped." Luke spoke, eyeing me strangely.

"Maybe I should speak to her about it or at least -"

"No, give her space. You shouldn't make things any worse for yourself."

"That shouldn't be too hard considering she works for me!" I snapped sarcastically as I pulled up outside the building before getting out of the car.

I walked inside not taking notice of anybody or anything - I just wanted to see Scarlett.

Making my way up to my office, I opened the door, expecting her to be stood there with my coffee or filing some documents but the office was empty.

Where the hell was she?

Regardless of whatever happened last night, she needed to grow up and stop behaving so childishly! She still had the duty to perform her job for Christ's sake!

Storming out of the office, I made my way back to reception to find out just where the hell my secretary was.

"Christine!" I snapped.

"Yes, Mr Queen?"

"Where the hell is Scarlett?"

"Mr Queen, we had been notified that she would not be here today, she said that you would know the reason behind her absence." Christine replied confusedly as I realised where she was.

Her father's hearing was today and I'd promised her I would be there.

"Luke!" I called out to him from the reception as he was leaning against the balcony chatting up another one of my employees no doubt.


"You're in charge!" I yelled as he gave me a mock salute.

"You would do well to look after her Mr Queen, the girl really is a gem." Christine said quietly before I left. I gave her a faint smile and got into my car before I drove off.

I knew I shouldn't have given Smith a holiday.

Checking my watch, I saw that I had just over an hour to get to court before the hearing officially began. As I drove frantically around the city, I tried calling Scarlett a dozen times but to no avail, I knew for a fact she was going to be avoiding me like the plague.

Upon finally reaching the court, I jumped out of the car and rushed inside to look for her. She was stood with her back against the door reading through some papers. She was wearing fitted black pants with a tight white blouse and her usually flowing blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun.

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