Chapter 17

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It had been an hour since Barry got to S

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It had been an hour since Barry got to S.T.A.R labs and he got bored fast he spent some time running on the treadmill after that he just played on his phone.

Later he heard footsteps, he just thought it was one of his friends and thought nothing of it. "Oh god, it's just you" Cisco said this got Barry to look up Cisco was holding his phone as a bat incase of an intruder, "you know that won't do much right I'm a speedster the Flash." Barry said amused at his friend's actions.

"Ha ha" Cisco said amused at what was happening. "When did you start showing up on time? And where were you the past few days? We tried calling you but you never answered." Cisco told him and Barry wasn't sure how to tell him.

That he had a daughter or that he was halfway across the world in Paris looking after his daughter and helping her feel better after her parents died in  a car accident so yeah he wasn't sure what to tell his best friend.

"I'll tell you once everyone else gets here" he said and looked towards Cisco who was playing with something on the monitor and with that fell into easy small talk and that was how it was in about half an hour everyone.

By the time everyone had entered the main room and seen Barry they asked where he had been these past few days. 

"Now that your all here, I have something to tell you and Herat me out first and ask the questions last I still don't even know how this happened" he said and he got lots nods and yeses he went to say something but wasn't sure what to say he looked up at his adoptive father and got a nod from him to continue.

"I found out I have a daughter," he said, his eyes looking down. Suddenly the ground seemed the most intersection thing in the world.

"How???" Was the only thing Iris could say looking at her best friend shocked. He looked up and saw everyone but Joe was very surprised at what they had just learned.

"When?" Was the next question but from Cisco this time.

"Basically, I just found out a few days ago I had a daughter who is 7. It was from an old college friend she and her husband got into a serious car accident, he died and there is a chance she wouldn't make it. I was the only person who could look after her; she was my daughter." Barry explained.

He looked up to his friends to see shocked faces. "Sabine Cheng, was her name. Her daughter's name is Marinette Cheng Allen. Apparently that was what her birth certificate says she didn't tell because I was just starting in college and she didn't want to be the reason I didn't get to make it come true." Everyone was surprised at the news.

Barry even heard Iris mumble the name Sabine remembering her from high school.

Hey guys,

How was the chapter? Anyway I have figured out where to start from in season two so it matches the story line, I watched an episode yesterday and I think I will continue the story from just before episode 2 of season 2 of the flash. Just before they meet Jay and after they take out atom smasher.

Comment, vote :D

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