Chapter 39

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A day or two had gone by and the team was growing more and more worried about Caitlyn, especially Barry who was constantly blaming himself for what had happened

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A day or two had gone by and the team was growing more and more worried about Caitlyn, especially Barry who was constantly blaming himself for what had happened.

Not only that but Marinette had been getting constant nightmares and hadn't slept for more than half an hour at a time he didn't know how to cope and more often than not Iris and Joe were looking after her. While he, Cisco and Harry tried to come up with a solution.

So far they had absolutely nothing and everyone was worried about Barry stressing too much over it so much so it might as well be like he was ignoring Marinette.

That morning he stayed in the apartment after a lot of convincing from everyone to take a break. Looking across from him he saw his daughter sleeping soundly.

She had come to him in the middle of the night as she had had a nightmare probably from her time with Zoom. He had let her stay with him and sleep on the other half of his bed.

She spent the night cuddled up next to her father getting one of the best sleeps she had gotten in a while.

That morning he got up early and started cooking pancakes, specifically blueberry pancakes, her favourite. He made a whole stack of them and placed them onto a plate and sprinkled a few extra pancakes on top.

Walking to his room, he opened it and saw her still asleep though she looked like she had stirred a little as he had walked into the room.

Opening the curtains in his room he walked to the bed where he lightly called her name to which she woke slowly opening her bright blue bell orbs.

She smiled slightly letting out a yawn before reaching up to him and he pulled her into a hug mumbling how sorry he was for letting her get taken and she said it was ok.

But it never would be yes it was an accident but no kid deserves to go through that and he planned to make sure it never happened again.

After she got ready for the day and many attempts of Barry trying to braid her hair he gave up and put them into two adorable pigtails.

When they got to the kitchen and she saw the pancakes she ran to him and hugged his waist. She was so small and only as tall as his waist.

The two ate breakfast happily chatting away about the latest Disney movie she had watched with grandpa Joe.

~At S.T.A.R Labs~

Cisco and Harry had gone over every possible solution they could think of and still absolutely nothing and they meant nothing.

They were getting desperate so much so they were going through Eobard Thawne's files from when he was pretending to be Harrison Wells of that Earth.

Harry had gone through a lot of it and kept thinking back to his work on Earth 2, he had an idea that could possibly be a very dangerous plan. One if not executed right would end very badly for them.

The particle accelerator that was the idea.

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