Chapter 37

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Barry was getting more and more nervous as hours passed he agreed to give Zoom his speed in exchange for his daughter at this point he was sure Jay was stalling for the sake of worrying Barry

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Barry was getting more and more nervous as hours passed he agreed to give Zoom his speed in exchange for his daughter at this point he was sure Jay was stalling for the sake of worrying Barry.

But he still wondered how he found out about Marinette but then again Jay was hiding right under their nose so he could have figured it out at any point of time. But to think they had fallen for the same trick twice but this time to have a child face the consequences was worse.

Anything could happen to Marinette and there was nothing they could do to stop it from happening now he understood how Joe felt when he first decided to be the Flash and not want his adopted son to get hurt.

Barry had been pacing the room for at least 20 minutes. His friends had all tried to calm him down and he had heard a lot of reassurance from his step dad but nothing was helping, if Sabine was watching him what would she think.

Would she regret leaving Marinette with him? Would she never trust him again? Would she- before he could even finish his though a gust wind made its way through the room and there in the centre of the room stood Zoom or now known as Jay Garrick dressed in black but with his hood down.

Their in his arms was Marinette who looked relatively fine, just a little shaken up and scared to be in the arms of Zoom. "Daddy" she called the second she laid eyes on Barry across the room.

Without a second thought Barry went to get her but Jay put his hand up stopping him, "we have a deal" he reminded and Barry nodded.

"This... thing was how I stole the Flash's speed the first time. Now all I have he has to do is run and his speed force will transfer into this vile...only as long as I calibrate it" Harry stated holding up the vile.

"Get to work"Jay said with a smug smile on his face while everyone else shared looks of anger and hatred for the man. Even Marinette hated him and tried to wriggle out of his arms but he didn't budge.

Harry held up the blaster to him and Jay started at it and looked back up at the man "Wells" Barry called he didn't care what he was risking as long as Marinette was safe.

"One day I'm going to knock that smug expression clean off your face" Harry threatened turning into the lab to get everything ready.

Barry leaned across from him on the counter top still wearing his suit, he looked to the ground before he spoke "so this was your plan all along, huh" the hero stated simply.

Jay watched him as he replied "ever since the skies parted and showed me another world with another speedster once I saw I came here figured out what I had to do." he stated as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How are you still alive? We saw you die" Iris asked standing next to Joe who was holding a blaster of his own though he knew he couldn't shoot without risking hitting Marinette. "You did" was all he said.

"It was always a speed mirage" Cisco said watching the man to which he just laughed "speed mirage..ahh no even I'm not that fast"' he said placing Marinette who immediately ran to her father who hugged her tightly.

"I knew I couldn't be on two earths at the same time so I went back in time and met another version of myself" he began "your time remnant made to reverse flash" Cisco contained.

"I also knew that the only way to make Barry become faster was if you all witnessed your old pal Jay die" he said simply. "When did you decide to do that?" Iris questioned.

"Oh once you closed all the breaches that went to earth two... believe me getting my time remnant agree to me murdering him it took a bit of convincing but once he saw the genius in my plan he was all for it" he answered honestly with a laugh.

"Who's the man in the iron mask?" Barry asked, remembering when they had visited his lair on the other earth. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you" he answered

"Why the charade running around dressed like the flash?" Joe asked with anger blazing in his eyes, "to give people hope, detective" Joe stared at him and he started right back before answering.

"So I can rip it away from them" everyone watched with disgust filling their faces at this point Marinette was hiding from him in her fathers arms. "It's so fun pretending to be a hero" he exclaimed with the smug look back on his face.

"You are no hero nothing but a monster" Caitlyn said and that ripped the smug look from his face filling it with one fo anger to one of remembering. Not a moment later Harry walked back into the room and a smile returned to his face.

Barry handed Marinette to Iris who held her tightly as he walked onto the treadmill, "Barry" the adopted father called only to get "it's all right Joe" in response. Barry clicked a button on the monitor and he then started running.

As Barry ran on the treadmill in his suit he looked across from him and saw his daughter sitting there with Iris, shocked at how fast he could run. He wondered what was going through her head and if she would ever trust him again.

To think he dragged her into this mess only a few months had it been when Iris had told her about the city's superhero the Flash that could run so fast that all you could see was a flash of lightning and feel a gust of wind as he ran past.

Soon the vile Harry had been holding started to fill up with yellowish - orangish lightning and Barry soon started to slow down, "he's slowing down" Caitlyn said "the speed force is leaving his body" Harry said watching the man run.

"He's becoming human again" Cisco said watching his friend, everyone watched quietly before they knew it Barry stopped running and practically slipped off of the treadmill to the side.

Iris rushed to him asking him if he was ok, Harry removed the wires and grabbed the vial placing it into an injector, Jay grabbed it out of his hands and pushed the serum into his arms.

Barry watched at the blue and orange lightning mixed across his body then soon turned blue while Jay laughed in joy of his plan working. Before anyone thought things could get worse he had Barry pinned to the wall choking him and hissed out a "thank you flash."

After hearing Caitlyn's pleas to put him down, Barry was thrown to the ground and he struggled to catch his breath, after letting him go Jay grabbed Caitlyn and ran off. Everyone stood shocked as Cisco yelled out her name but it was too late they were long gone now. 

Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait to make up for that was this very long chapter, so tell me what you all think in the comments.

Enjoy reading :)

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