Chapter 40

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The idea was far from great and consisted of a lot of arguing from the team in the end it was decided that the particle accelerator was the only to get Barry's powers back

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The idea was far from great and consisted of a lot of arguing from the team in the end it was decided that the particle accelerator was the only to get Barry's powers back.

Both adopted father and biological father were far from happy about the idea, but it was the only.

Marinette, Jesse harry's daughter and wally had been locked in the Time vault, there had been many questions and unanswered thoughts but all in all, they didn't have the slightest clue, why they were in there.

All they knew was that they might be in there a while with the amount of supplies placed in the corner of the room.

Everyone else was down near the particle accelerator, where Barry had just been hooked up, to the machine. Cisco had just reached the roof and was holding up the weather wand waiting for his cue.

The others were standing with Harry on the platform waiting for the plan to begin, unknown to them that Jesse had just opened the door as though she was hot wiring the door.

"Ready Allen" Harry asked, beginning to type away at the screen in front of him, he looked up and got a small nod.

"Alright then," he said and typed away before speaking again "here we go," he said before a wall closed around Barry.

"Particles are beginning to become unstable, Ramone get ready, we're releasing the chemicals into his system" Harry called out.

Two types of chemicals were injected into his system, Barry gasped at the sudden pain in his arms, "why are you doing this?" Iris yelled, staring at Barry before turning her head to the scientist.

"The night Barry was struck by lightning he was doing fingerprint analysis, those chemicals got in his system then and they're going in now" Harry explained, occasionally glancing up to see Barry.

"So you're injecting them into him?" Iris questioned in a yell, "we have to have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night" Harry spoke.

"I'm ok Iris" Barry called out trying to hide the pain, through loud breaths "hold on Barry" Joe called out as he began to shake.

"He's going hydrostatic" Henry said looking up at his son, watching him shake in the machine, "almost there, almost there" Harry called out watching his vitals on the screen.

"Wells," someone called out, "ready Ramone?" Harry asked through his com link "ready" he got the response as Cisco held up the wand and pointed it up towards the sky.
"NOW!" Harry yelled, "Expecto Patronum" Cisco yelled as the wand  created lightning, while saying the infamous Harry Potter line.

"Great god, it's working" he yelled into the com. Barry was shaking, lightning had struck and was glowing around the machine Barry let out a scream of pain.

Zoom had been in Barry's lab and saw the lightning head staring for S.T.A.R Labs, he let out a scream "NOO!" before running towards the building

"Inisating collision" called Harry, before they knew it Barry was struck by the blast and the others watched as he turned to dust. Tears welled in Iris' eyes watching him disappear before her eyes.

"It worked, is everyone ok?" Cisco siad running into the room. "What happened?" he said looking at their open mouthed faces, walking forward he understood. The machine wall opened, it was empty Barry was gone.

"What did you do to my son?" Henry yelled to Harry, before he could ask a speedster to run in one in a black suit with blue lightning, Zoom.

He held up Barry's charred suit piece for them all to see, "you thought you could give the Flash his speed back," he paused watching them "well done, you killed him instead" he said in his demonic voice, with that he was gone

The particle accelerator had turned and had just crashed. The force made its way all around the building, the three kids had just made their way to the briefing room when the wave of dark matter hit. Sending the two teenagers falling to the floor.

Whilst Marinette being tiny was sent flying into a cart of chemicals, that had been placed in the corner of the room. All three of them were knocked out unconscious.

Hello everyone,

It has been a long time since I have written an author's note and figured why not add one in today, so the real question is should Marinette get powers yes or no.

I don't know where I'm going with this book but I do know school holidays are coming up in about a month which means I get more time to write. So any ideas or suggestion are helpful

Enjoy reading 🙂

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